(In a house, family members gather to eat, drink, and be merry, for tomorrow they go back to work and school)
Relative 1: (Using pot holders to take a bowl of cheese dip out of the oven and transfer it to Relative 2’s waiting hands) Put this on a trivet inside, please – and make sure no one eats it for at least five minutes or else their entire mouths’ll burn up.
Relative 2: (Hugs the bowl of dip with the pot holders) Oh I won’t. (Smiles down at the bowl and licks lips on the way to the appetizer table in the living room)
Relative 1: Probably shouldn’t have trusted it to that one. (Shoves a roasting pan into the oven and sets the timer just as the doorbell rings) I’LL GET IT! (Runs to the front door and flings it open) Hiiiiiii!!!!!
Relative 3: (Holding a covered tray) Hi, thanks for inviting me! What’s the occasion again?
Relative 1: (Keeping the door open as Relative 3 steps into the house and they hug) Oh, you know: we’re between major holidays; I need to host a get-together every few weeks or I’ll just burst; that old story.
Relative 3: (Hands over the tray) Well, I made cupcakes for later.
Relative 1: Yum. (Closes the front door with a foot while peeking under the tray’s cover)
Relative 3: (Takes off a coat) I’m going to drop this off with the mountain of others in somebody’s bedroom, and then eat one of everything that’s out there; oh yeah, and say “Hi” to everybody and whatnot.
Relative 1: Please do. (Yells toward the living room where the guests are all lounging) There better not be any food left lying around by the end of the night, you hear me?!
Relatives: (Murmurs of assent)
Relative 3: (Emerging from somebody’s bedroom after dropping off the coat) On it! (Zooms into the living room)
Relative 1: Yeah, yeah. (Turns away from the living room and suddenly sees three individuals had arrived after Relative 3, unnoticed by both) Who the blazes are you?!
Virus 1: Hey, how ya doin’ – we’re with the one who just came in. (Gestures to Relative 3 hugging and kissing everyone in the living room)
Relative 1: What?!
Virus 1: `Scuse us. (Goes to the living room, followed by Virus 2 and Virus 3)
Virus 2: (To Relative 1) Nice place you got here. (Proceeds to touch all the doorknobs, light switches, and furniture)
Virus 3: (Lifts the cover of the tray that Relative 1 is holding, grabs a cupcake, and consumes it sloppily; through the crumbs) Thanks. (Follows Virus 2 and Virus 3 into the living room)
Relative 1: (Frozen as the party continues) Nooooo….. (Tosses the tray onto a side table and walks slowly into the living room)
Virus 1: (Plops onto the couch between two relatives watching the television and hugs them close to each side) So! How’s the game goin’?
Relative 4: Awful, as usual.
Relative 5: I don’t even know why we still watch these things; we always feel worse afterward.
Virus 1: That’s nice; you just keep on gazing at the magical screen and pay no attention to anything else here. (Rubs their faces soothingly)
Virus 2: (After touching everything in the living room, crouches down to where several children are playing a board game) Neat! Can I play?
Relative 6: Sure.
Virus 2: Thanks! (Takes all the game tokens, jumps them around the board haphazardly, and gives them back to the players) There! I win!
Relative 7: (Staring at the token in hand) I think you’re right.
(Virus 3 spreads cupcake crumbs all over the place while wandering over to where Relative 3 is chatting with Relative 2 next to the bowl of cheese dip)
Relative 3: If you want it, go for it; that’s what I always say. I’ve lived by that motto for years and it’s never steered me wrong so far.
Relative 2: (Nodding in awe) Uh-huh. (Shouts to Relative 8 who is sitting in an armchair) You hear that? Yet another argument for me to run away and join the circus!
Relative 8: (Without looking away from the television) You do that, you’re not getting another dime outta me ever again.
Relative 2: (After a moment, turns back to Relative 3) So how do you go about not wanting things?
Relative 3: Well I –
Virus 3: (Reaches between Relative 2 and Relative 3) Don’t mind me. (Scoops out a bunch of the cheese dip and ingests it lovingly) Mmmm – perfection.
Relative 2: (Staring at the dip in horror) Whaaaaaaaat is going on?
Relative 1: (Points an accusatory finger at Relative 3) YOU!
Relative 3: (Points an accusatory finger at self) Me?
Relative 1: You brought in these clowns – (Waves arms around to take in Viruses 1, 2, and 3 spread throughout the room) and now we’re all gonna get sick! Horribly, grossly sick!
Relative 3: No I didn’t – I’ve never seen them before in my life!
Relative 1: HA!
Relative 3: OK, maybe they do look a little familiar –
Virus 1: We first me in `84.
Virus 2: `85.
Virus 3: `93.
Virus 1: `93 too.
Virus 2: Again in `98.
Virus 3: `01, `02, `03 –
Relative 1: ENOUGH! (To Relative 3) Now I’m sure you had no idea that you had some hitchhiking freeloaders when you came here today –
Virus 1: Hey! I’ll have you know that our parasite-host relationship is entirely to everyone’s mutual benefit!
Relative 1: (Turning on Virus 1) What do you think a parasite is?!
Virus 1: …Oh yeah, right; never mind. (Pats the now-dozing Relative 4 and Relative 5 on the heads as Virus 2 and Virus 3 continue to circulate among the other Relatives in the room, invading their personal space and handling their food and drinks)
Relative 1: (Turning back to Relative 3) This is a disaster!
Relative 3: Hey, it’s not like I knew they were coming with me today; they gave me no notice, and I feel fine! (Stomach growls; in a small voice) Would you excuse me for a minute? (Runs to the bathroom and slams the door shut)
Relative 1: (Glares after Relative 3, then turns back to the living room) Unbeliev – WHAT IN THE WORLD??!!
Viruses 4 – 10300000000: (Perched on every open space and person in the room) Hi there!
Relative 2: (In a corner, hugging the bowl of dip while sliding to the floor in the midst of all the Viruses) Mine… it’s mine….
Relative 1: But where did they all come from?!
Virus 1: Oh, us: once we’re all settled we like to fill up the space, spread the joy, know-what-I’m-saying?
Virus 2: It’s kind of our thing.
Relative 6: (Tugs on Relative 1’s shirt, sniffling exaggeratedly) Does this mean we don’t have to go to school tomorrow?
Relative 1 Ew – yes. (Grabs all the tissues in the house and distributes them to the humans)
Relative 8: (Taking a tissue) Uh, thanks, but I don’t need it.
Relative 1: Oh, you will. (Runs out of the living room again)
Virus 3: (Gently poking a cat sleeping on a pillow) Hey, this one’s rejecting me, no fair! (Cat opens one eye, yawns at Virus 3, turns around, and falls back asleep) Wow, what a pro.
Relative 1: (Runs back into the living room with multiple bottles of disinfectant spray and begins hosing down everyone and everything with chemicals) Begone, demons! (Nothing happens)
Virus 1: (Gets up from the couch to stretch out across the appetizer table) You know, the damage is already done, so you might as well enjoy the rest of your party – two or three days from now is when the fun really begins.
Virus 2: (Gently rotating on top of the ceiling fan) Yeah, you all fun; you won’t even know we’re here!
Virus 3: (Breaking up the ice in a bucket and dumping them in all the cups) Your house is our house is your house! (Relative 6 dramatically wipes eyes and nose with a sleeve; Virus 3 passes over a bunch of tissues) Here – don’t be gross, kid.
Relative 1: (Scoots aside Viruses 7-700 to slump into an armchair in defeat) I suppose, considering I have all this food – !
(Oven timer DING!s)
Viruses and Relatives: Dinner!
(They race to the dining room)
Virus 1: (To Relative 1 on the way out) Gotta say, best party ever!
(Relative 1 is left alone in the living room with the cat and Viruses 347 – 12,958)
Relative 1: (To Viruses 347 – 12,958) Maybe take it easy on me? I have a lot going on right now.
Viruses 347 – 12,958: Oooh, our favorite kind of host!