Showing posts with label New Year. Show all posts
Showing posts with label New Year. Show all posts

Thursday, January 2, 2025

Story 570: New Year, New Meh

            (On a park bench on a clear, cold day, Friend 1 sits staring into space)

Friend 2: (Finishes a run, then sits next to Friend 1) So: any reason why you’re not at least attempting to get some exercise today?  I thought one of your New Year’s resolutions was to have healthier habits or something like that.

Friend 1: Oh, it was.

Friend 2: And?

Friend 1: And then I realized: what’s the point?

Friend 2: …Better health?

Friend 1: For what?

Friend 2: …Longer life?

Friend 1: For what?

Friend 2: …Better life?

Friend 1: For what?

Friend 2: Listen, you’re getting on a morbid track here and it’s bumming me out.  Are you feeling all right?

Friend 1: (Finally turns to Friend 2) No, actually: as I stare down the waterslide that is January 2 of a new year, the futility of human endeavors has hit me like a figurative and literal sledgehammer, and I have lost the drive to exercise.  Or move in general.

Friend 2: With anyone else, I’d say you sound like you may have clinical depression and should speak with a mental health professional about how you’re feeling – however, since this is you, I know you’re just being overly dramatic and need to knock it off.

Friend 1: You’re right, but for some reason it’s taking a bit longer than usual to blow over, so bear with me.

Friend 2: (Stands abruptly) Nope!  This is a beautiful day, the start of a new year, where you have so many blessings in your life and whatever you wish was different is in your power to change, and I refuse to waste another second of my precious time on Earth listening to your faux pontifications on how meaningless it all is when I know they’re only symptoms of your self-inflicted boredom.  (Takes a candy bar out of a coat pocket and tosses it to Friend 1) Here – (Friend 1 catches the bar) have some chocolate: it seems to be your go-to for everything else, so it should help out now; I’m out.  (Resumes running)

Friend 1: (Stares at the candy bar for a few moments, slowly unwraps it, takes a bite, and chews thoughtfully while looking out at the ducks paddling around in a nearby pond, the bare trees swaying gently in the wind, the other human parkgoers walking, playing, or relaxing, and the grass hibernating) Worth it.

Friday, December 27, 2024

Story 569: The Pre-New Year Lull

             “Well, that’s it: the ordeal known as The Most Wonderful Time of the Year is finally over, and now at last there is peace on my Earth, and goodwill toward me.”

“That’s the spirit.  So, you gonna relax now that you’re done with entertaining all the relatives?”

“And leave this mess?!”

            *          *          *          *          *          *          *          *          *          *          *          *

“You know, I had to run around so much visiting everyone for Christmas and Hanukkah parties this year that it’s actually more relaxing to go back to work.”

“I agree: between visiting the kids, the grandkids, the in-laws, and the divorced relatives I still like, I think I tacked 100,000 miles on the car in the space of two days – it’s a phenomenon.”

“I wouldn’t know: I had to take buses, trains, and cabs everywhere.”

[Mutual shudder]

“Yeah, I’ll take driving in bumper-to-bumper traffic over riding with strangers any day.”

“I wish I had that option.  Anyway, after all the hullabaloo of mass transportation and making merry with everyone I’ve ever met in my life, I’m now going to spend my off-hours lounging around doing absolutely nothing.  Figure I should recover just in time for summer.”

“Good on you.  So, any New Year’s Eve parties you got planned for tomorrow night?”


            *          *          *          *          *          *          *          *          *          *          *          *

“If I even see another baked good, candy cane, roasted roast, or cup of hot cocoa with those cute little marshmallows on top, I will literally burst at the seams.”


“I know; I feel that gross right now.  I keep telling myself I won’t overdo it this year, but I’m usually saying that in my brain right as my hands are piling up the second plate of appetizers, so it’s already a lost cause at that point.”

“I hear ya: I’m hoping this constantly full feeling for the next two weeks will finally drive home the lesson not to do that ever again, and remind me to send a donation to the local food bank.  The lesson part probably will fail, but hope springs eternal.”


“You gonna try the diet again this New Year?”

“You know it: healthier food, more water throughout the day, and home workouts with outdoor walk, weather-permitting.”

“That’s great!... Whaaaaat are you doing?”

“January 1 is only a few days away, and if I don’t eat these homemade cookies now they’ll go bad and it’ll be such a waste!”



“Need some help with those?”

            *          *          *          *          *          *          *          *          *          *          *          *

“So we’ve got a few days left – make any New Year’s resolutions?”

“A few; my usual.”

“Really?  What are they?”

“If I tell you, they won’t come true!”

“That’s birthday wishes – resolutions are all on you.”

“Oh.  Right.”


“Oh, I usually resolve to be kinder, more patient, more generous with my time and help, that sort of thing.”

“That’s nice.”

“Yeah, it lasts for about five seconds and then I lose my temper and don’t want to help anybody, so my New Year looks like my Old Year almost immediately.”

“Bummer.  Maybe work on that next year.”

“Very funny.  What about you?”

“Oh, I resolve to enjoy the last days of the waning year as we straddle the nebulous not-quite-this-year/not-quite-next-year zone, which means I can do whatever I want and it won’t count because the year’s almost-but-not-yet-over.”

“Ohhhhhh-kaaaaaay, but what about your resolutions for next year?”

“That’s future me’s problem – present me wants to watch this year slowly crash into the next, like a stellar collision of time.”

“So, basically, no resolutions to be a better person.”

“Exactly.  Happy Old Year!”

Thursday, December 28, 2023

Story 522: Confess All for the New Year

             (In a church’s closed confessional booth, Priest and Parishioner 1 are kneeling on opposite sides of a screen)

Priest: – say five Our Fathers and two Hail Marys, and do one charitable work.

Parishioner 1: (Crosses self) Oh good; thank you, Father.  (Starts to stand)

Priest: (Holds up a finger) Ah: one charitable work you haven’t already done this past Advent, or were planning in advance for Lent.

Parishioner 1: Shucks – I mean, understood.

Priest: (Lowers hand and nods) Off you go, then.

Parishioner 1: (Stands again) Thanks again, Father – see you at Mass in a bit.

Priest: See you in a bit.  (Parishioner 1 leaves the booth, closing the door on the way out; Priest takes out a cell phone, checks a display, and shakes head) <Tsk> 50-to-0; bless their hearts.  (Puts the phone away, then frowns slightly on hearing the sound of raised voices outside the booth; the door suddenly flies open and Priest sees Penitent standing there with several angry parishioners standing some distance behind)

Penitent: Excuse me, Father, but can I give confession and get absolution and everything even though I’m not a parishioner here?

Priest: …Are you Catholic?

Penitent: (Thinks for half a second) Yeah.

Priest: (Gestures for Penitent to come into the booth) Then I’ll hear your confession and grant absolution.

Penitent: Great!  (Closes the door on the grumbling crowd and kneels) Figured “New Year, New Me” and all that, right?

Priest: Hm.  (Makes the sign of the cross for Penitent) In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit –

Penitent: (Crosses self) Oh yeah, I remember this part: bless me, Father, for I have sinned; it’s been more than 30 years since my first confession – (Pulls out a sheaf of paper from an inner jacket pocket) so I’ve got quite a list –

Priest: Hold on: you don’t need to confess every sin you’ve committed in the past 30 years.

Penitent: I don’t?

Priest: There’s a line of people waiting after you and about – (Briefly checks a wristwatch) 20 minutes before I have to prepare for Mass, so just… consolidate by topic.

Penitent: (Nods) Got it.  (Starts skimming through the papers) OK, here’s a recurring theme: (Looks back up at Priest) I lie, a lot.  And I mean, a lot: I almost wanted to lie to you just now and say I only do it occasionally, it’s that bad.

Priest: (Nods) Mm-hm.

Penitent: (Grabs onto the holes in the screen) It’s a real compulsion, and it’s ruining my life – you gotta help me, Father, how do I stop myself?!

Priest: This is only confession, my child; if you need spiritual guidance, please call the main office to make an appointment and I’ll be happy to speak with you all about it another time.

Penitent: (Lets go of the screen) Never mind.  (Flips through the papers) OK… (Looks back up at Priest) I cheated on my taxes and other stuff I owed for decades and told people I was making a stand against big government, but deep down I was just being cheap.

Priest: (Nods) Uh-huh – not to judge, but I have to warn you that that may catch up with you one day.  Legally speaking.

Penitent: Whaddya mean?

Priest: I mean, you may get audited and have to pay fines and back taxes, and maybe even serve time in prison.

Penitent: Oh!  That reminds me – (Flips through a few more sheets, runs a finger down the page, stops at a paragraph and looks back up at Priest) burglary.

Priest: You’ve committed it?

Penitent: Yeah.

Priest: Have you made restitution?

Penitent: Huh?  Oh, well, not directly; I served seven years in the state pen for it, does that count?

Priest: (Sighs quietly) It will have to in this case.

Penitent: That brings me to another thing: while I was inside the priest there kept wanting to hear my confession for it, but my whole defense was based on me saying I didn’t do it, which clearly didn’t work, but if I then confessed saying I did do it then it’d’ve felt like the whole thing was pointless, but now I’m wondering if not confessing was really just doubling down on the sin?

Priest: (Thinks for a few moments) Well, you’re confessing it now, so we’ll leave it at that, then.

Penitent: Awesome!  `Cause I might have to do it again, so if I get caught again I wanted to make sure I should just confess all from the get-go.

Priest: My child, instead please resolve not to break the law for your own gain going forward.

Penitent: Oh, it’s not for me: a buddy of mine really wants to get back at this other dude for –

Priest: (Holds up both hands) Please don’t tell me any more details of your life of crime!

Penitent: (Nods knowingly) Plausible deniability – I get it.

Priest: (Lowers hands and shakes head) No: everything you say here is confidential under the seal of confession, but I don’t want – I don’t need to be told every single detail to grant you absolution, understood?  And please stop committing felonies and misdemeanors.

Penitent: I dunno, Father, how’m I supposed to do that?

Priest: It’s amazingly easy not to do something – it requires literally no effort on your part.

Penitent: (Nods while thinking) You know, you might have something there.  (Flips through more pages as Priest wearily shakes head) Here’s a recent one that’s a real pickle: some frenemy asked me to adopt a cat from the local shelter, but I don’t have supplies and I didn’t really want to take all that on, so I didn’t.

Priest: That’s… not a sin.

Penitent: Really?  Why not?

Priest: You admittedly wouldn’t have been able to take care of the cat, so instead the creature will go to a loving home with people who actually “want to take all that on”.

Penitent: (Scoffs) I doubt it – I was told this cat’s pretty much unadoptable and I was asked as a last resort, so I don’t think that fur baby’s going anywhere good, if you know what I mean.

Priest: (Rubs temples and quietly recites) “Jesus loves me, this I know – ”

Penitent: (Leans closer to the screen) What’s that, Father?

Priest: (Drops hands and looks back at Penitent) Listen, I think you’ve confessed enough for one day –

Penitent: (Holds up the sheaf) But Father, I’m just getting started!

Priest: We’re running out of time, and as I’ve mentioned there are others waiting after you, so let’s wrap this up with the basics: have you committed acts of gluttony?

Penitent: (Tilts head to think) Sometimes.  Really just on Thanksgiving, but don’t we all?

Priest: (Grinds teeth) Envy?

Penitent: Eh.

Priest: Wrath?

Penitent: (Eyes flare) Yeah!

Priest: Lust?

Penitent: (Eyes leer) Oh, yeah!

Priest: Pride?

Penitent: (Smiles smugly) I can say, with all humility, no.  (Priest stares at Penitent, who looks down and mumbles) Maybe a little.

Priest: Sloth?

Penitent: (Looks back up) Hey, so what if I like to sleep in every now and then?  Science backs me up: it’s medically necessary!

Priest: Greed?

Penitent: Is it greedy to take more than my share because other people in my opinion have too much?

Priest: Yes.

Penitent: Then yes.  But I really think I should get more time to cover the decades I skipped –

Priest: No!  You’re done here taking up everyone’s time, including mine!  (Quickly makes the sign of the cross for Penitent, who automatically crosses self in response) I absolve you from your sins in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit – great, now I’m doing this all backwards, I forgot to give you your penance first!

Penitent: Oh that’s all right, Father, I won’t tell anyone if you skip that part.  (Winks broadly)

Priest: Nothing doing!  Your penance is to say 50 Our Fathers and 50 Hail Marys, and do 30 charitable works, including finding that poor cat a forever home if it’s not too late!

Penitent: (Stands suddenly) Whoa, Father, that’s all a bit harsh, don’t you think?!

Priest: On the contrary, I don’t think it’s harsh enough!  Just be thankful I didn’t thrown in reciting 50 rosaries on top of it!

Penitent: (Shoves papers back into the jacket pocket and sighs heavily) Fine, I’ll do what you say, long as it means I’m now all clear to go and sin some more.

Priest: It’s “go and sin no more”!

Penitent: Really?  Well that’s just an unreasonable expectation.  (Opens the door, sees the angry crowd, and turns back around) Ooh, I forgot to add: I cut the line so I could go next; is that a sin, too?

Priest: (Glares at Penitent) Yes, but since you finished confessing and I already granted absolution, you’ll have to save that one for next time.

Penitent: “Next time”?!  You mean I have to keep coming back?!  What kind of racket is this??!!  (Meanwhile, Parishioner 2 has gone around Penitent to enter the booth and slams the door shut; Penitent’s voice is now muffled) I’m suing the Vatican!

Parishioner 2: (Smiles at Priest, kneels, and crosses self as Priest makes the sign of the cross) Bless me, Father, for I have sinned – it’s been one week since my last confession, and my first sin is the many, many uncharitable thoughts I’ve had towards that fellow penitent who left just now.

Priest: (Sighs) That will be my sin to confess as well, my child.

Thursday, December 29, 2022

Story 472: New Year, New Me, New Everything


 “That’s it!  This New Year, I’m finally going to start that big project I keep saying I’m going to start but never do!”

“That’s great!  Good luck!”                     

“I don’t need luck!  I have motivation!”


“3 – 2 – 1 – HAPPY NEW YEAR!”

“Woooo-hoooo!!!  First-time project completion, here I come!”

“So, you gonna start that on Tuesday, then?”

“…First-time-project-starting-in-the-New-Year, here I come!”



“That’s it!  This New Year, I’m finally going to broaden my narrow horizons and take that big trip I’ve been wanting to take my entire life!”

“That’s great!  How’d your big project go?”

“What’s that?”

“The big project you’d resolved to start at the beginning of this year.”

“Oh!  Oh that.  Well….”


“I started it.”

“3 – 2 – 1 – HAPPY NEW YEAR!”

“Woooooooo-hoooooooo!!!!  Big trip, here I come!”

“Got a travel agent yet?”

“Dooooo I need one?”

“For a big trip, one would help.  Especially when it’s you who’s going.”

“Sounds like extra work I don’t wanna do – I’m just gonna take off from here and land smack-dab there, yippee!!”

“Oh dear.”


“That’s it!  This New Year, I’m finally going to sculpt myself into the glorious being I’ve always wanted to be!”

“That’s great!  So, how’d your big trip go?”

“Oh, that.  It didn’t: way too expensive, plus I didn’t really feel like, you know, doing all that stuff that goes with it, like walking through towns and seeing museums and appreciating new cultures and all.”


“3 – 2 – 1 – HAPPY NEW YEAR!”

“Woooooooooo-hoooooooooo!!!!!  New Year, New Me, New Everything, here I come!”

“OK, so for this year, are you joining a gym or an online workout program or what?”


“You said you’re going to sculpt yourself into the glorious being you’ve always wanted to be, so how are you going to actually do it?”

“Simple: I’m going to will myself into perfect shape, easy-peasy!”

“Never mind.”


“That’s it!”

“Here we go.”

“This New Year, no more resolutions that I can never keep for some reason!  About three months ago, I resolved to call and visit my family and friends much more than I have lately, and instead of waiting until January 1st to eventually not do it, I started then and there and it’s worked like a charm!  People actually started liking me again.”

“Wow, that’s… great!  Good for you not waiting for some arbitrary date on an arbitrary calendar to change your life, and just going ahead and changing it as soon as you have the chance!”

“3 – 2 – 1 – HAPPY NEW YEAR!”

“Wooooooooooooo-hooooooooooooo!!!!!!!  Calling and visiting my – wait a minute, I’m already doing that.”

“Yes!  It’s wonderful!”

“So what’s the point of celebrating New Year then?”

“So we all can feel mentally exhausted together.”

Thursday, December 30, 2021

Story 422: Next Year Will Be Different


 (At a large building transformed into a party hall)

Partygoer 1: It’s almost midnight, the beginning of a new year, I can’t wait!

Partygoer 2: Why?

Partygoer 1: …`Cause it’s a new year!  New beginnings, new starts, new initiatives!

Partygoer 2: That’s three ways to say the same thing, and it’ll be none of them.

Partygoer 1: Huh?

Partygoer 2: It’s just another day – the same problems you have right now won’t magically disappear because some arbitrary, human-made, time-telling device says we’ve started a new round of trying to organize the variable, location-dependent seasons into something our puny brains can comprehend.  The only actual real-world impact from tonight is that the Earth has reached the same spot in its orbit where it was last year, which we do every day anyway.  The whole thing is pretty meaningless when you think about it.

Partygoer 1: (Blinks)

Partygoer 2: (Blinks back)

Partygoer 1: Why are you even at this party?

Partygoer 2: Free booze.  (Slurps drink)

Partygoers 3-500: HAPPY NEW YEAR!

Partygoer 1: Woo-boo!  (Throws glitter into the air and spins a noisemaker; to Partygoer 2) You’ll see: next year will be different!

Partygoer 2: Don’t you mean this year now?

Partygoer 1: Oh.


(At a large building transformed into a party hall)

Partygoer 1: It’s almost midnight, the beginning of a new year, I can’t wait!

Partygoer 2: You again, I see.  So was this year any different from last year?

Partygoer 1: It sure was!  I got a new job and a new house!

Partygoer 2: Wow, that certainly is different.

Partygoer 1: Darn tootin’!  (Spins noisemaker)

Partygoer 2: So: new job to drain your soul and new expenses to drain your bank account?

Partygoer 1: (Looks around shiftily while sipping from a martini glass) Maybe.

Partygoer 2: So: next year you don’t want new beginnings, etc., etc., right?  You already got all that this year so next year shouldn’t be different, right?

Partygoer 1: Well….

Partygoer 2: Go on.

Partygoer 1: I would like a new boss – my current one apparently is an escaped demon.

Partygoer 2: Ah, one of those.

Partygoer 1: And I would like better neighbors – and my mortgage interest rate to go down – and that weird leak to go away – and better –

Partygoers 3-500: HAPPY NEW YEAR!

Partygoer 2: Whelp, it’s a new year now: time for everything to automatically change no matter what.

Partygoer 1: (Spins noisemaker frantically) Woooo-hooooo!  Next year will be different!

Partygoer 2: (Slurps the free booze) You tell `em.


 (At a large building transformed into a party hall)

Partygoer 1: (On crutches) It’s almost midnight, the beginning of a new year, I can’t wait!

Partygoer 2: Good heavens, you look awful.  How’s life treating you now?

Partygoer 1: Well, not so great, actually: I keep getting weird injuries; a few relatives passed away; demon boss hired a demon coworker for me to play with; half of my new house collapsed – you know, the usual.

Partygoer 2: I see.

Partygoers 3-500: HAPPY NEW YEAR!

Partygoer 1: (Swings noisemaker with one hand while holding onto crutches with the other) Wooooooo-hooooooo!!!!!  Next year will be different!

Partygoer 2: I don’t doubt it.


(At a large building transformed into a party hall)

Partygoer 1: It’s –

Partygoer 2: Come off it, mate; it’s just me here.

Partygoer 1: Oh right, never mind.

Partygoer 2: At least the crutches are gone now.

Partygoer 1: Only because both knees’ve been replaced.

Partygoer 2: Ouch.

Partygoer 1: Yeah; I was out from work for two months with all that so demon boss had time to turn the rest of the office against me and promote demon coworker, who is now demon boss #2.

Partygoer 2: Ew.

Partygoer 1: Still, I have a job, and the house repairs are coming along, even though I’m still technically only living in half of it.

Partygoer 2: Is that so.

Partygoer 1: Ooh, ooh, I almost forgot – I won the lotto this year!

Partygoer 2: Well, that’s great.

Partygoer 1: Yeah!  Except after taxes it was only about, you know, five bucks.  But it felt nice.

Partygoer 2: I see.

Partygoer 1: It’s funny, all these years and I’ve never asked: how’s your year been?

Partygoer 2: Oh, the same as last year, and the year before that, and the year before that, and –

Partygoers 3-500: HAPPY NEW YEAR!

Partygoer 1: (Spins noisemaker until the top half flies off) WOOOOOOOO-HOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!

Partygoer 2: – but I’m sure next year will be different.

Thursday, January 7, 2021

Story 372: Oblivia’s New Year 2021

 (At home, Oblivia wears a comfy robe and pajamas and hums while making a cup of coffee and waffles.  She then gleefully carries a tray with her breakfast and sets it on her bed, then snuggles under the covers before turning on a laptop and logging into a video conference)

Manager: (Addressing the four other screens in attendance) So let’s get started – first off, you’ve probably all guessed by now no one’s getting a bonus this year.  (The others mumble in the affirmative) And we’ve lucked out the company doesn’t have lay off anyone – yet – but I was told we have to slash the department’s hours again

Coworker 1: But my health insurance can’t take any slashing!

Manager: Don’t worry, I’m told that’ll be unaffected – (Mutters underneath biting nails) – for now.

Coworker 1: Oh.  Then yay, shorter work week!

Manager: The workload’s increased and you have even less time to do it in.

Coworker 1: Aw, nuts.

Manager: Now, let’s go over the budget – how’re the numbers for this quarter?

Coworker 2: Abysmal.

Manager: Drat.  How’s Marketing looking?

Oblivia: (Mouth full of toast, gives two thumbs-up) Great!  Practically the best it’s ever been!

Manager: …Are you… wearing your PJs and eating breakfast in bed?

Oblivia: Oh yeah, this is the best set-up I’ve had in years!  I love working from home, don’t you?

Manager: (Slow blink as a screaming toddler runs past in the background) Not particularly.

Coworker 3: Speaking of, year-ago-me can’t believe I’m asking this but any word on when we might be able to come back into the office?

Manager: (Tosses away a cat walking across the desk) What do you think?!

Coworker 3: Just checking – I’m starting to lose feeling in my legs for hours at a time now that I’m working from the couch all day long.

Manager: Oh, boo-hoo!  Remind everyone out there to feel bad for your inconvenience!

Coworker 3: I withdraw my statement.

Manager: Seriously though – get up and take a walk once in a while, you might be working on deep vein thrombosis.

Coworker 3: What?

Oblivia: (Slurps coffee) By the way, anybody got plans for New Year’s Eve?

Manager: Are you kidding?!

Oblivia: I usually wind up staying home, but I like to live vicariously by hearing about what everyone else is doing.

Coworker 1: Staying home.

Coworker 2: Staying home.

Coworker 3: Staying home.

Manager: Staying home, like we’ve been doing all year long!

Coworker 2: I thought it was only since March?

Manager: “Only”?!

Oblivia: I also wanted to see if you all made resolutions yet.  Mine’re the same every year: eat healthier and read at least one educational book.  I fail every year, though.

Coworker 2: Heh, my resolutions usually are the book thing and lose 20 pounds.  I also fail.

Coworker 1: I resolve in 2021 to be more appreciative for the good things in my life.  Oh, and also wash my hands better, `cause apparently I’m still pretty bad at it.

Coworker 3: I’m resolving to walk every day, and call my family and friends more, and volunteer somewhere at least once a month, and – I’m already exhausted, forget it.

Oblivia: Ooh, I’m gonna add the walking bit, maybe I’ll be able to squeeze that into errands, hm?

Manager: Who cares?!  I’m trying to run a meeting here and no one’s paying attention!  This department barely functioned on a good day and it’s even worse now that everyone’s telecommuting!

Oblivia: I don’t know, I think this has been a successful experiment with all of us not having to deal with each other in-person 40+ hours a week; I’d like to continue it forever if that’s all right.

Manager: It’s not an experiment!  Do you even know what’s going on around you?!

Oblivia: Year-round hibernation?

(Manager clunks head down on the desk)


(In the same robe and pajamas, Oblivia samples from champagne and desserts while watching television shows leading up to 2021)

News Anchor: – we’ll all certainly be glad to say “Good Riddance” to 2020, and look forward to a hopefully better 2021.

Oblivia: Don’t people say that every year?  (Watches the ball drop)

Crowds: Happy New Year, dagnabbit!  Save us, 2021!

Oblivia: Hm.  It would be ironic if this is the year an asteroid finally does wipe us all out.

Thursday, January 2, 2020

Story 322: Welcome to the Roaring 20s (Again)

            (At an apartment on December 31, 2019)
           Host: (Wearing a flapper dress and opening the door to several guests) Hello, old sports, and welcome to our New Year’s Eve Party ringing in the Roaring 20s!  Please disregard this prop cigarette in my hand – you still can’t smoke in here.
          Guest 1: That’s OK – (Secretively pulls out a brown paper bag from inside a large coat) I brought the “stuff.”  (Winks exaggeratedly)
            Host: Thanks, just put it on the kitchen table.
           Guest 1: Oh-ho, where just anyone can see it?  What if we get – you know – (Looks up and down the hallway and stage-whispers) “raided?”
           Host: Prohibition doesn’t go into effect until mid-January, so we’ve still got a few weeks.
            Guest 1:  Oh.  I thought this was a speakeasy theme?
            Host: Then I would’ve asked you for a password to screen out the coppers, silly!
            (They join the rest of the party – someone takes off the record that was playing on a turntable and instead puts on one that plays “The Charleston,” so everyone starts dancing “The Charleston”)
            Host: (Bursting into the middle of the dancers) No!  No!  No!  Stop this madness right now!  There will be no “The Charleston” played or danced here, since there was no “The Charleston” until 1923 and this is the eve of 1920!
            Guest 2: Hey, you said this was a 20s New Year’s Eve Party!
           Host: The invitation clearly stated that this is New Year’s Eve 1920, so right now we’re still technically in 1919!
            Guest 3: (Mutters to Guest 4) Actually, we’re still technically in 2019.
            Host: Who said that?!
            (Later in the evening)
         Guest 5: (To Host while sipping absinthe) While I admire your dedication to historical accuracy, you must admit that strictly adhering to the pre-1920 aspect instead of the entire subsequent decade does rather limit the selection of music, dances, clothing, food, and pretty much anything else that made the 20s the excessive slide into the Great Depression we all know and love.  Right now, everyone’s still dealing with the shell shock and influenza pandemic that sprung from the Great War, which does put a bit of a damper on things, wouldn’t you say?
            Host: Your unsolicited opinion is duly noted.
         Guest 6: (Enters the apartment wearing a disco suit) Wassup, dudes, I am ready to boogie on down and go bananas all up in this joint, to the MAX!
            Host: (Crushes a champagne flute in a fist while pointing to Guest 6) Out!  Of!  My!  Sight!  Anachronistic!  Floozy!
            Guest 6: My bad, dawg.
            Host: Gaaaahhhh!!!
            Guests: Happy New Year!
            Host: (Collapses in a chair) Yay.
            Guest 7: (Sits on the chair’s arm) Thanks for the party – that was a lot of fun!
            Host: I guess, if you ignore “Welcome to 1920” and make this a “Welcome to Whatever Year You Want” mess, then yes, it was loads of fun.
            Guest 7: (Sips champagne) I suppose.  You do know that flappers showed up a lot earlier than 1920, but really didn’t become entrenched in American culture until the movie The Flapper was released almost halfway through that year, right?
            Host: (Eyes widen in horror) Whaaaaaat???
            (Someone starts playing 21st-century music from their cell phone’s speakers)
            Guest 7: Cheer up – you can try again in 2120!  (Leaves)
            Host: (Mutters) It’s barely begun, and my fun-loving decade’s already ruined.