Showing posts with label mask. Show all posts
Showing posts with label mask. Show all posts

Thursday, April 9, 2020

Story 336: Best Staycation EVER!

            (At home, Employee is wearing pajamas and stretched out on the bed, with a laptop, phone, and snacks within easy reach)
            Employee: (Scrolling through work e-mail) Sweet, no one expects me to answer these things in two seconds anymore; I could get used to this.  (Phone rings; Employee checks the caller ID and answers with a slight frown) Hey Boss, since Corporate won’t issue me a phone this call is eating up my minutes, what’s up?
            Manager: Yeah, so, I’m sure you’ve figured out by now we’ve not done so well this past quarter –
            Employee: No kidding, but at least our misery has global company this time, know-what-I-mean?
            Manager: …Right, so, I spoke with H.R. and they said you need to take a two-week vacation.  Starting now.
            Employee: (Sits up suddenly, disturbing potato chips) What?!  I’ve been saving those hours for Miami in the fall!
            Manager: Yeah, well, you may have all the hours in the fall if you don’t take your vacation now, know what I mean?
            Employee: Oh.  But the fall?
            Manager: Worry about the fall when it’s the fall – even after the two weeks you might have to be furloughed just so there’s still a company after all this is over.
           Employee: I guess – but Boss, hardly anything around here’s open, what am I gonna do for two-plus weeks?
           Manager: Don’t know and don’t care, just do your part and stay home!  And hopefully see you on the other side.
            Employee: What?  (Hears the call disconnect; stares at the phone, then at the laptop as the work e-mail access is cut off) Hm.  Indefinite vacation, nowhere to go, and nothing to do.  (Stares at the computer, then smiles evilly while flexing hands) Do my part, eh?  Golden age of technology, here I come.
            (An hour later, a masked food delivery worker arrives at Employee’s condo door, knocks, and sets down the bag just as Employee opens the door, still wearing pajamas and a bare face)
            Employee: Howdy!
            Food Delivery Worker: Ah!  You already paid!  (Flees)
          Employee: (Picks up the bag while staring at the fleeing figure) Must be new on the job.  (Returns indoors and dumps the bag and its contents just everywhere)
          (An hour later, a masked mail carrier arrives and sets down a package just as Employee opens the door, still wearing pajamas and a bare face)
            Employee: Howdy!
          Mail Carrier: Dude, wait till I’m gone, you all never leave me alone on a good day!  (Flees; barking dogs follow) Oh come on!
            Employee: (Picks up the package) Guess I’d be grumpy too if I had go through snow, rain, heat, and gloom of night.   (Returns indoors and dumps the box and its contents just everywhere) At last, I can finally watch the entire series in all its glory.  Again.  (Pulls out a DVD sleeve) Ew, not Season 1, though – that was garbage.  (Tosses it aside and brings the rest of the collection to the living room while rubbing eyes)
            (An hour later, Employee arrives at a video game store and is sprayed with disinfectant from head-to-toe by the hazmat-suited employee at the entrance)
            Video Game Store Employee: (Muffled voice) What do you want?
            Employee: (Spitting out disinfectant) And good day to you, too – (Holds out a disc in a case) I finished this and want a new one.
          Video Game Store Employee: (Grabs the case with a pair of tongs, tosses it over the front counter, then uses a separate pair of tongs to grab a random case and tosses it into Employee’s hands) Here – we’ll charge it to your account, now get out!
            Employee: (Turns over the case) But I don’t know anything about this one – can I test it out?  (Gestures with the case at the demo station, which is covered in caution tape)
            Video Game Store Employee: I wouldn’t.
            (On the way home, Employee detours onto the parkway)
            Employee: (Driving close to 100 mph with all the windows down) Woo-hoo!  Outta my way, slowpokes – oh that’s right, THERE’S NO ONE ELSE HERE!  (Reaches 100 mph) This is THE LIFE!  This is FREEDOM!  WHEEEEEE!!!! (Hears sirens and sees flashing lights in the rearview mirror) Oh, they’re still on the roads.
            (Several hours later, Employee waits in the condo development’s parking lot as a tow truck bearing a brand new car arrives)
            Employee: Yesssss!  Just the color I wanted and everything.  (Shouts to the masked driver) You can drop it into this spot here – my old car’s in impound, so they can keep it!  (As the driver lowers the car into the spot, Employee sees a masked neighbor out walking the dog) Howdy!  (Neighbor and dog stop to stare at the spectacle, Neighbor with furrowed eyebrows.  Employee chuckles and makes a show of pulling T-shirt over nose and mouth; immediately drops it after Neighbor and dog move on)
            Tow Truck Driver: (Unchaining new car) Be out of your way in a minute.
            Employee: No worries – I’ve got all the time in the world.  (Holds out some bills when the job is done)
           Tow Truck Driver: I don’t want your filthy money!  (Runs into the tow truck and speeds away)
            Employee: Hm.  Seems no one wants to get paid lately.
            (Later that night, Employee is playing the new video game)
           Employee: Ugh, these boss battles are the worst!  Knew they should’ve let me test it out, those wimps.  (The power suddenly cuts out as the entire development moans in unison) Great, now what am I gonna do?!  (There is a knock on the door) Ooh, pizza’s here!
(Within an hour, the power is restored)
Employee: (Sitting on the couch, texting on the phone when the lights suddenly blaze back on) Whew, thought we had an actual crisis there for a bit.  (Tries to start the video game on the TV again but sees that the modem now is damaged from a power surge) Oh no, another disaster!  When will this madness end?!  (Works on the phone while muttering) I’ll just hop on next door’s foolishly unsecure Wi-Fi and we’ll be back in business….
            (An hour later, a drone gently beats against Employee’s window; Employee opens it and takes a box from the drone)
            Drone: (Computer voice) Do not touch me.  (Flies away)
            Employee: Wow, they’re making those things smarter and smarter by the day.  That’s what we all should be worried about.


            (Employee wanders around the condo wearing ratty pajamas and messy hair while talking on the phone)
            Employee: …I don’t see what everyone’s complaining about – I’m having the time of my life, and I’m getting paid for it!  (Dumps the contents of a cereal box into mouth) Yeah, I know it’s just for now, but that’s next week’s problem…. Why should I?  It’s raining all the time, and you can get almost anything you want delivered.  I don’t even have to go to the grocery store – I just have them deliver whenever I run out of something.... Yeah, I could combine it into one big order, but when I run out I need it now `cause it’s important!  Besides, it’s job security for them, right?  I’m just doing my part like everyone keeps telling me to, right?  (There is a knock on the door) Speaking of which, sounds like my chocolate chip cookies are finally here, bye!  (Disconnects the call and opens the door; a box with a note is on the ground) So rude.  (Returns indoors, dumps the box and the contents just everywhere, and immediately begins eating the cookies while reading the note) …You guys can’t cut off home delivery for me, I’m your best customer!  And I only order four times a day, what’s the big deal?!  (Crumples up the note and tosses it onto the floor) Oh well, plenty of stores to move on to.  (Flops onto the couch, turns on the TV, eats more cookies, and sighs contentedly) Aaaaahhhh, I so love being on vacation and saving the world at the same time.  Those old timers were right: giving really is better than receiving.

Thursday, March 26, 2020

Story 334: Out Past Curfew

            (In the lobby of a restaurant)
           Friend 1: … and so I said, “Too bad for you, should’ve bought 20 rolls like I did when you had the chance, sucker!”
            Friend 2: That’s… not funny.
            Friend 1: Yeah, they didn’t think so either.
            (A restaurant employee emerges from the kitchen with packages and hands them to Friends 1 and 2)
           Employee: (Voice muffled by a face shield and mask) Here you go – sorry for the wait, I know you have to get home soon.
            Friend 2: That’s all ri –
            Friend 1: Darn tootin’-thanks-bye!  (Grabs both packages, runs out the door, and starts the car as Friend 2 gets in)
            Friend 2: That was a bit rude.
          Friend 1: (Reverses out of the parking spot at high speed and peels out of the lot) Curfews know no manners!
            Friend 2: What?  And anyway, you’re the one who took forever to pick a place to order from; I could’ve just made us something in half the time!
           Friend 1: (Bites into a sandwich while swerving off the highway onto a side street) Not this deliciously fried, you couldn’t.  `Sides, we’ve got plenty of – (Glances at the clock radio) um, let me speed this up a little.  (Floors the accelerator more)
            Friend 2: Slow down, you’re gonna get us into an accident!
           Friend 1: (Gripping the steering wheel, hunched forward, eyes blazing) I’ve never been in an accident in my entire life!
            Friend 2: Really?  That’s pretty impressive.
           Friend 1: Thank you.  (Sees railroad crossing lights flash up ahead and the gates start to lower) Oh no you don’t!  (Accelerates faster)
            Friend 2: Slow down!
            Friend 1: We’ll make it!
            Friend 2: Slow down right now!
           Friend 1: I SAID WE’LL MAKE IT!  Oh never mind, they’re down.  (Slams on the brakes; both occupants lurch forward as the car’s front bumper kisses the gate)
            Friend 2: That was too close.
            Friend 1: Nonsense – if it’d been a grenade, then that would’ve been too close.  (Peers over the steering wheel to look up and down the tracks) Ugh, hate this crossing; train’s probably still at the station and we’re stuck waiting half a mile away when we could’ve kept going until it started moving again.  (Looks both ways again, then slowly starts to swerve around the gate) Let’s see….
            Friend 2: (Grabs the steering wheel to swerve the car back) Don’t you dare!  (The train passes them noisily) See!
            Friend 1: Sneaky little scamp.  (The gates lift and Friend 1 accelerates at high speed, pointing at the clock radio) Look at that!  Way late, all because of a stupid train!
            Friend 2: Not really that late; I doubt – (Sees flashing lights in the rearview mirror) Uh-oh.
          Friend 1: (Looks in the rearview mirror) Oh come on!  I’ve never been pulled over in my entire life!
            Friend 2: Now I know you’re lying.
            Friend 1: You’re just jealous.
            (They pull over and wait for the police officers to approach)
            Police Officer: License and registration.
            Friend 1: Here you go.  (Places them in the Police Officer’s gloved hand)
            Police Officer: (Gives them to partner to check) You know you two are out past curfew?
          Friend 1: Oh yes, Officer, but you see – (Uses two fingers to pull a badge out from a coat pocket and hand it over) I work at a hospital.
            Police Officer: (Examining badge) Well then, let us give you an escort there.
            Friend 1: Oh, that’s not – (Friend 2 pinches Friend 1’s arm) toooo inconvenient for you?
        Police Officer: Not at all; it’s in the area.  (Partner hands back the license and registration and whispers in the other’s ear; Police Officer hands them back to Friend 1) Congratulations on never having had an accident or being pulled over before, by the way.
           Friend 1: Awesome.  (Waits for them to get back into their car before slowly driving back onto the main road)
            Friend 2: Why didn’t you just tell them we got stuck with the food and the train?
            Friend 1: That’s too convoluted; it sounds shady.
            Friend 2: Still, I can’t believe you just lied TO THE POLICE!
            Friend 1: I didn’t lie!  I do work at the hospital.
            Friend 2: You work days!  In Admitting!
            Friend 1: Don’t be a snob; we’re all part of the same team.
            Friend 2: Whatever; you still weren’t on your way to work now!
           Friend 1: Is it my fault they took it that way?  We’ll just have to go inside for 10 minutes or so, and if we get stopped again we can say we just ended our shift there.
            Friend 2: You can say whatever you want; I’m your hostage right now, so maybe I’ll say that.
            Friend 1: If it pleases you.
            (They park in the hospital lot and meet the police officers at the entrance)
            Police Officer: (To Friend 1) So, which department do you work in?
            Friend 1: Admitting… in the Emergency Department.
            Police Officer: Oh good, that’s right here.
            Friend 1: Indeed it is.
           Friend 2: (Muttering to Friend 1) Can you admit me right now?  What am I gonna tell them, that I’m just gonna sit here for eight hours until your shift ends?!
            Friend 1: You’re a very dedicated friend.
            (They enter and approach the front desk)
            Welcome Ambassador: (To Friend 1) Oh hey, what are you doing here at this time of –
            Friend 1: Yeah that’s great see ya!  (Uses badge to enter the Emergency Department; the other three wait at those doors while Friend 1 rushes ahead to one of the physicians at the main desk) Hey doc, really quick –
            Physician: Oh hey, what are you doing here at this time of –
           Friend 1: No time for that: got stuck out past curfew, can you tell those two cops over there that I didn’t have to come in tonight?
            Physician: But you don’t work in this department.
            Friend 1: (Through gritted teeth) Doc!
           Physician: Oh, gotcha.  (They walk over to the other three) Hello, I was just telling this team member they didn’t have to come in tonight.
            Friend 1: Aw nuts, and I got pulled over and everything!
            Police Officer: Too bad about the wasted trip.  You live far away from here?
            Friend 1: Less than 10 minutes.
            Physician: Wow.  I commute almost an hour each way.
          Police Officer: We appreciate everything you do, Doctor.  (To Friend 1) You shouldn’t get stopped again, but give them my badge number to call me if you do on the way home; we have to get back to our rounds.  (To Friend 2) You two live together?
            Friend 2: I guess tonight we do.
            Police Officer: Smart move.
            (All four walk back to the parking lot and drive away in their respective cars)
            Friend 2: I can’t believe you asked that nice doctor to lie for you.
          Friend 1: It was not a lie, how many times do I have to – (Loud noise as the right rear tire blows out) Oh for the love of Peter and Paul!
            (They pull over and both get out of the car; Friend 1 kicks the flat tire a few times)
            Friend 2: Don’t you have a spare?
            Friend 1: This is the spare!
            Friend 2: You really are hopeless.
            Friend 1: (Trying cell phone) And of course the battery’s dead!
            Friend 2: You have a charger?
          Friend 1: At home, because we weren’t going to be out this late!  Can I use your phone?
            Friend 2: I… forgot to bring it.
           Friend 1: Well that’s a set of conveniently inconvenient circumstances!  (Turns to the nearest house and walks up the front steps; no lights are on, inside or outside)
          Friend 2: (Scrambling up the steps behind Friend 1) What are you doing?!  It could be the plague house in there!
            Friend 1: (Bangs on the front door) I don’t see a giant red cross on the door, do you?
            Friend 2: Fine; then they could just be plain old psychopaths.
            Friend 1: Nothing ventured!
            (The door opens)
            Occupant: (Stares at them warily from the darkened interior) What’s the password?
            Friend 1: What?
          Occupant: Eh – close enough.  (Drags them both inside, kicks the door closed, and shoves them down the basement stairs; they stop midway and see a brightly lit rave is being held there)
            Friend 2: What on Earth is this?!
          Occupant: (Rushes past them to grab drinks from the DJ playing at a bar) Welcome to the party, dudes!  We’re not letting The Man tell us not to gather in groups of 10 or more!
            Group of More Than 10: No, sir!
            Occupant: (Holds out two drinks to Friends 1 and 2) Shots?
         Friend 1: While I admire your spirit and sense of hospitality, we’ll just enjoy your public statement from our spot way over here.  (To Friend 2) Got a ruler on you?  I can’t tell how far away 6 feet is.
            Friend 2: (Holding one hand over mouth and nose) Not far enough away from you!  (Turns to run upstairs right as the front door bursts open; a figure in a hazmat suit appears at the top of the stairs)
            Hazmat Suit 1: Police!  This is a stupid-people raid!
            Group of More Than 10: Aaahhh!!!  It’s The Man!
         (A loud record scratch is heard as everyone below lunges for the tiny basement windows to crawl out; more police in hazmat suits run past Friends 1 and 2 to corral the partygoers)
            Occupant: (Hauled away while still holding the shot glasses) Cool, this really is The Roaring 20s all over again.
            (Friends 1’s and 2’s shoulders each get a hazmat glove clamped on them)
            Hazmat Suit 2: You’re coming with us.
            Friend 1: Is it to the hospital?  (Pulls out badge) `Cause I work there –
            Friend 2: Oh knock it off!
            (In the back of a squad car, Friends 1 and 2 sit on plastic sheeting and are wearing masks)
            Friend 1: You think they’ll let me call a mechanic to fix my tire by the time they let us out?  (Friend 2 glares) Just saying, could’ve had it done by now if you’d brought your phone.
            Friend 2: Don’t breathe in my direction.  (Turns away to stare out the window)
            Friend 1: (Turns to stare out the other window) This is the worst birthday ever.