Showing posts with label bills. Show all posts
Showing posts with label bills. Show all posts

Thursday, July 23, 2020

Story 350: The World Won’t End If….

          (Friend 1 sits at an office desk, surrounded by piles of paper and files holding more paper; Coworker approaches the desk)
            Coworker: Hey – got a minute?
            Friend 1: No!  What is it?!
           Coworker: Higher-ups want this project done ASAP.  (Drops a new pile of paper onto the one empty spot on the desk and leaves)
         Friend 1: (Yelling at Coworker’s retreating back) They need to let me know which ASAP project they want done first!  (Turns back to the piles and starts to sink forward onto the nearest one when the cell phone rings; answers) Hi, I could use a two-second break, what’s up?
            Friend 2: I need to cancel for tonight: my niece’s birthday dinner got moved to today.  Can we meet up later this week?
            Friend 1: (Starts moving piles from one place to another and intermingling them) Yeah – sure – that’s fine – I’m free whenever – just let me know –
            Friend 2: Is work bad today?
          Friend 1: “Bad” and “today” don’t begin to describe it.  Have you ever been slowly buried alive by flat pieces of dead trees?
            Friend 2: I used to be, but I thought we were in the digital age now.
          Friend 1: That’s the great lie.  But it wouldn’t matter anyway: the projects behind them all remain, and I have to complete every last one of them simultaneously two months ago.
            Friend 2: Ouch.  Well, do the best you can.
           Friend 1: Ha!  “Best” took a back seat to “barely passable” years ago; I’m surprised I haven’t been fired by now.
            Friend 2: You probably won’t be – you’re the only one left in your department.
            Friend 1: I suppose.
          Friend 2: Trust me: short of murder, there’s really nothing you could do that would get you fired at this point, if only for the fact that they’d have no idea how to train the next person since the only one who knew how to do anything there was you.  So really, the world won’t end if you don’t finish a project or two or 10 in the time they said they wanted it.
            Friend 1: I don’t understand.
            Friend 2: Well you understand “don’t,” so you do!
            Friend 1: What?
           Friend 2: Just do what you can, and whatever you don’t do now will get done eventually, and the world won’t end if it doesn’t.
            Friend 1: It won’t?
           Friend 2: …Yes.  We’ll all still be here and the Earth will continue rotating around the Sun as it has been for quite some time.  And now I’ve gotta go – bye!  (Disconnects the call)
            Friend 1: (Sets down the phone and stares at the piles) The world won’t end, eh?


            (Coworker approaches Friend 1’s desk)
            Coworker: Hey – got a minute?
          Friend 1: (Wearing summer casual clothes, sitting on a beach chair, and listening to ocean waves on a stereo) I have all the minutes.  What’s up?
           Coworker: Higher-ups want this project done ASAP.  (Drops a pile of paper onto the empty desk) Hey – you got all that other stuff done?
            Friend 1: Nope.  (Sips lemonade and props sandaled feet onto the desk) They will be attended to, all in good time – as will this latest monstrosity.  (Points to the pile with one sandaled foot)
         Coworker: Oh.  Need any help?  Not that I can give you any – I’m just trying to be superficially nice.
           Friend 1: (Slurps the rest of the drink) Nope again!  I’ll get to it when I get to it: the world won’t end if I don’t finish it in five seconds, or if a deadline’s missed, or the company loses money, or we fail an inspection, or –
            Coworker: Oh wow, you’re really reached that point, huh?  I’m jealous.  (Leaves)
          Friend 1: (Opens a cabinet drawer and dumps the new pile of paper into it, then pulls out a different pile to work on, slowly and steadily) It only took me 20 years to reach it….


            (Friend 1 sorts through mail at home)
           Friend 1: Ah yes, this bill’s right on time.  (Opens the envelope and winces) Bit higher this month.  Due when?... Hm, usually get a few weeks’ leeway, right?  The world won’t end if I don’t pay it exactly by the due date, right?


            (Friend 1 and Friend 2 are having dinner in a restaurant)
           Friend 2: So they understood why I didn’t have my gift for her that night since they’re the ones who moved the party, but I still felt bad showing up empty-handed, you know?
            Friend 1: (Sampling from three plates of entrees and five different drinks) Why?  World didn’t end, right?
            Friend 2: (Stares at the array of plates and glasses on the table) I think you took my advice the other day a little too much to heart.
         Friend 1: (Mouth full of French fries) Au contraire!  I didn’t take them to heart enough!  (Shouts over shoulder) Garçon!  Bring on the dessert tray!
            Server: (Speedily wheels over a sampler platter) You actually get two free ones –
            Friend 1: Splendid!  I’ll take them all!  (Server speedily wheels away) To go!  (To Friend 2) I have some self-control.
            Friend 2: Yes, I can see that.


            (Friend 1 walks along the beach and steps on a broken shell)
           Friend 1: Ouchie!  (Picks shell out of foot) Son of a – (Stops) No: this is not a disaster, the world won’t end if I just keep on walking and pretend this never happened.  (Tosses the shell into the waves and slightly limps onward)
           Beachgoer: (Runs to Friend 1 and holds out a sealed antiseptic wipe) Here – I’m a dad, and you don’t want to let that sit for too long, trust me.
          Friend 1: I appreciate the gesture, but the world won’t end if I let Nature cleanse my momentary interruption.
            Beachgoer: I guess, but you might be in it with one less foot.
            Friend 1: …Point taken.  (Accepts the wipe)


          Friend 1: (Working through a pile of paper while on the office phone) I hear your concern, but the world won’t end if this doesn’t get done by today, am-I-right?... Yes, that certainly does put everything into perspective, doesn’t it, bye-bye.  (Hangs up and addresses the paper) Now, where were we, my lovelies?  (Presses “Play” on the stereo so the ocean waves resume) Aaaaaaahhhhhhh: my favorite part.  (Alerts start going off on the office computers and on everyone’s cell phones; employees start freaking out and running off; Friend 1 hums while filing the current pile and preparing to start on the next one when the cell phone rings; answers) Allo-allo-allo?
            Friend 2: Did you hear what’s going on?!
            Friend 1: No, but you sound a bit agitated about it.
           Friend 2: That’s the understatement of the eon!  So that asteroid that’s been coming this way and everyone thought would pass us by, got affected by all the other planets’ gravity when it entered our solar system and now it’s headed straight for us!  By this time tomorrow, we’ll be toast!
          Friend 1: I doubt it – can’t some nukes just vaporize it or turn it into a black hole or something?
            Friend 2: IT’S BIGGER THAN THE EARTH!!!!
            Friend 1: Oh.  Well, the world won’t end if – oh.
            Friend 2: I’m calling the rest of my family now – good-bye forever!  (Disconnects the call)
           Friend 1: (Sets down the phone and stares at the pile of paper, then at the now-empty office) That advice certainly came at the perfect time in my life.  Decades later than I’d’ve liked, but better late than never, right?

Thursday, May 23, 2019

Story 290: Shredding Down Memory Lane

She hummed a merry nonsensical tune as she dropped the paper shredder straight onto the living room floor, followed soon after by a several-foot-high pile of receipts, bank statements, credit card statements, and tax records that stretched out across both the years and the hardwood.  Without breaking stride, she plugged in the shredder, switched it on, sat on a chair, and grabbed a bunch of stray pieces that had been around the top of the former pile.
“<La-la-la-la-la-la-la-> What the blazes is this?!”
She stared closer at a credit card statement dated March 3, 2014.
“Why would I pay over $3,000.00 to this rando?!  Was I scammed?  I was totally scammed!  More than five years ago!  And I’m just realizing it now!!!”
She grabbed her phone and selected her sister’s number.
“Hey, what’s up?”
“Only everything horrible – do you know why I would have dropped three grand on somebody named – ” she squinted at the page – “XZKR JQSW back in 2014?!  Did somebody rip me off and I completely forgot?!  How am I going to recover that money now?!”
“Three grand in 2014, hm…. Oh, I think those initials are the cruise line from that trip we took with the parentals that year; this probably was one of the payments for it.”
She shook her head and laughed.  “No, that wasn’t 2014, that would make it half a decade ago, and we only just went on that trip… um… two years… no, three… no….”
“Yeah, it was five.”
“Uh-huh.  And if that amount was such a red flag, you would’ve taken care of it back then.  What brought this up, anyway – you finally shredding all those papers you’ve been hoarding over the millennia?”
“I am spring cleaning.”
“Well, have fun, and try not re-read all your past bills.  Bye!”
She definitively shred that statement and moved on to the next.
“Aw, this was my first bill for college textbooks.  Wow, were they overinflated.”
“Let’s see, what could UZAG EGLM have been, and why would I have given them several hundred of my hard-earned dollars?... Oh right, that was the first and last time I went skydiving... 13 years ago?!  That can’t be right.”  She checked the other items listed in the statement.  “OK, I guess it’s right.”
“Why on Earth did I spend the same amount of money every month at that video rental store for 10 years straight?... Oh yeah, I joined their club so I could get discounts and borrow movies for nine whole days.  [Sniffs]  I miss that business model.”
“Oh man, I can’t believe I spent that much on skorts!  And I only wore them once!”
“Ooh, that was the year we went to --------- National Park on vacation.  That was a blast, feels like it just happened… 25 years ago.”
“Boy, those veterinary bills sure were high.  And we only got eight extra years out of the cat after all that.”
“How come my court bills are on these things seven times?!”
The shredder shuddered to a stop, flashing its overheating light as she was forcing receipts into its gullet.
“Great, this shredder cost a fortune and it suddenly decides to die after waiting – ” glances at a half-shredded receipt – “two years after I bought it!”