Showing posts with label shredder. Show all posts
Showing posts with label shredder. Show all posts

Thursday, August 20, 2020

Story 353: There’s an Online Video to Fix ANYTHING

            (Friend 1, at home, is shredding a ream of paper while on the phone)
            Friend 1: …so I said to `em, “While I don’t mind coming in for 15 interviews, I would like a final decision date that’s a little more definite than ‘soon,’ if that’s not too much to ask.”
            Friend 2: (On the phone) I’m guessing it was?
           Friend 1: Oh yeah, that got me a hard “No” for sure, but at least I finally got an answer out of them so, you know, victory was mine.  (Papers jam in the shredder) Aw, come on, again?!
            Friend 2: Sounds bad – food processor?
           Friend 1: What?  No, never touch those; it’s a paper shredder.  Guess you just can’t handle 20 sheets a pop, wimp!
            Friend 2: Most can’t.  How bad is it?
           Friend 1: Let’s see…. (Unplugs the shredder from the wall outlet, takes off the lid, flips it over, and begins pulling out tiny bits of paper) Ewwwww, there’s a whole big chunk stuck in the top side I can’t get to.
            Friend 2: Did you unplug it first?
            Friend 1: Of course I – ah!  Ow-ow-ow!
            Friend 2: Oh no, what happened?!
            Friend 1: Gotcha!
            Friend 2: Dork.
            Friend 1: Listen, this is gonna take me hours of meltdowns and I’m probably going to have to send it out for repair or buy a new one anyway, so I’ll call you back later.  The mercury of irritation is rising already, and the blood is beginning to boil.
          Friend 2: You know, you probably can avoid all that if you just go online and find a video showing you how to fix it.
           Friend 1: (Freezes while holding the shredder lid up in the air to bash it on the floor) How’s that?
            Friend 2: People post videos about anything, and there’s a really useful subset that show you how to fix or do or make or destroy pretty much any item you can think of.  It’s how I fixed my toilet that one time; saved me a bundle.
            Friend 1: Hm.  Video-posters can be altruistic after all, eh?
           Friend 2: For stuff like this, surprisingly yes.  You may have to weed through a few, but you usually can find what you need pretty fast if you use the right keywords.  We live in a golden age of technology, it’s mind-boggling.
            Friend 1: You’re not kidding.  I’ll check it out, then – thanks a bunch!
          Friend 2: Sure thing.  Let me know how the patient pulls through.  (Disconnects the call)


         (Friend 1 is seated on the kitchen floor and watching a video on a laptop while the disassembled shredder is spread all around)
            Video Host: Now make sure you don’t lose this little piece here –
           Friend 1: (Nodding while carefully holding the shredder innards and mirroring the video) Uh-huh, uh-huh….
            Video Host: – and now take your tweezers and zip-zip-zip!  Paper’s all out!
            Friend 1: (Tweezing out paper) Uh-huh, uh-huh….
        Video Host: Now put everything back together, reinsert all the screws – (Time lapse of reinserting screws) – and boom!  All done!
            Friend 1: (Time lapse of reinserting screws) Boom?
          Video Host: Now let’s test it out, shall we?  (Shreds a single piece of paper) There we go!   Would’ve been embarrassing if it hadn’t worked, but that’s what editing is for!
         Friend 1: (Plugs in the shredder, turns it on, and shreds a page) It worked?  It worked!  I actually fixed something real, woo-hoo!  (Hugs the laptop) Thanks, my video friend, you get a “Like” and a “Subscribe”!  (Does so and shuts down the laptop; begins shredding more paper, cackling wildly with each successful page) Aha, jamming shredder, you thought you could defeat ME?!  Take that!  (Feeds a page) And that!  (Feeds a page) And – oh I’m out.  (Unplugs the shredder, then looks around the room) I wonder if there’s something else here that needs fixing…?


          Friend 2: (At home, on the phone) Hi, I got your garbled text – are we still meeting up for dinner tonight or what?
            Friend 1: (On the phone) Yeah, it kind of depends on when I finish here.
            Friend 2: What’re you doing?
          Friend 1: Well, I took your advice the other day and found a video that helped me fix the shredder.
            Friend 2: That’s great!  What a relief; how is it – ?
           Friend 1: Yeah-yeah-yeah, it’s working fine, that’s old news: since I fixed that, I figured why not try a few other things around the place, you know?
            Friend 2: Sure, sure.
           Friend 1: So, I found more videos and finally sealed that gap in the living room window that had such a draft –
            Friend 2: Oh, great!
            Friend 1: Yeah, and the wiring in that one lamp that kept flicking all the time –
            Friend 2: Good, good.
            Friend 1: And the thermostat in the fridge that was all wonky, got that –
            Friend 2: OK.
          Friend 1: And the cracked tiles by the front door, replaced the whole section with laminates –
            Friend 2: OK….
           Friend 1: And the gas line leading to the oven was a bit old, so I took it all out and converted everything to electric –
            Friend 2: …What?
           Friend 1: And my car’s been making a funny noise lately, so I took out the engine and all the bits inside and converted that to electric, too –
            Friend 2: Huh?
          Friend 1: Plus at work the Wi-Fi’s been on the fritz so I hacked into the network and switched us over to a better provider, but it took some time because I had to make sure I.T. didn’t get wind of what I was doing and shut it all down so, you know, hush-hush –
            Friend 2: Wait a minute –
          Friend 1: And right now I’m in the middle of upgrading the city’s hydroelectric dam since the operating system’s at least five years old, plus there’re microcracks all over it that I’m climbing around to seal, although if you ask me we should tear the whole thing down and let Nature be Nature, but I get it, this is providing power for over a million people, so –
            Friend 2: Hold it!
            Friend 1: Yep?
            Friend 2: So, you’re basically saying you’re skipping on tonight?
           Friend 1: (Checks watch while dangling on a rope halfway down the dam) Wow, it’s that late already?  Then yeah, guess we’re gonna have to reschedule – sorry about that, the time just got away from me.
            Friend 2: Yeah, call me when you’re done fixing the world.  (Disconnects the call)
           Friend 1: Will do – oh, hung up.  (Disconnects the call, then resumes playing a video on the phone)
           Video Host: – as you continue in your climb down be sure to take in the magnificent view of the unnatural waterfall this edifice creates, along with the panorama of the glorious countryside around you, for you will never see its like again.
          Friend 1: (Swings around to take in the magnificent and glorious views) Huh – learn something new every day.

Thursday, May 23, 2019

Story 290: Shredding Down Memory Lane

She hummed a merry nonsensical tune as she dropped the paper shredder straight onto the living room floor, followed soon after by a several-foot-high pile of receipts, bank statements, credit card statements, and tax records that stretched out across both the years and the hardwood.  Without breaking stride, she plugged in the shredder, switched it on, sat on a chair, and grabbed a bunch of stray pieces that had been around the top of the former pile.
“<La-la-la-la-la-la-la-> What the blazes is this?!”
She stared closer at a credit card statement dated March 3, 2014.
“Why would I pay over $3,000.00 to this rando?!  Was I scammed?  I was totally scammed!  More than five years ago!  And I’m just realizing it now!!!”
She grabbed her phone and selected her sister’s number.
“Hey, what’s up?”
“Only everything horrible – do you know why I would have dropped three grand on somebody named – ” she squinted at the page – “XZKR JQSW back in 2014?!  Did somebody rip me off and I completely forgot?!  How am I going to recover that money now?!”
“Three grand in 2014, hm…. Oh, I think those initials are the cruise line from that trip we took with the parentals that year; this probably was one of the payments for it.”
She shook her head and laughed.  “No, that wasn’t 2014, that would make it half a decade ago, and we only just went on that trip… um… two years… no, three… no….”
“Yeah, it was five.”
“Uh-huh.  And if that amount was such a red flag, you would’ve taken care of it back then.  What brought this up, anyway – you finally shredding all those papers you’ve been hoarding over the millennia?”
“I am spring cleaning.”
“Well, have fun, and try not re-read all your past bills.  Bye!”
She definitively shred that statement and moved on to the next.
“Aw, this was my first bill for college textbooks.  Wow, were they overinflated.”
“Let’s see, what could UZAG EGLM have been, and why would I have given them several hundred of my hard-earned dollars?... Oh right, that was the first and last time I went skydiving... 13 years ago?!  That can’t be right.”  She checked the other items listed in the statement.  “OK, I guess it’s right.”
“Why on Earth did I spend the same amount of money every month at that video rental store for 10 years straight?... Oh yeah, I joined their club so I could get discounts and borrow movies for nine whole days.  [Sniffs]  I miss that business model.”
“Oh man, I can’t believe I spent that much on skorts!  And I only wore them once!”
“Ooh, that was the year we went to --------- National Park on vacation.  That was a blast, feels like it just happened… 25 years ago.”
“Boy, those veterinary bills sure were high.  And we only got eight extra years out of the cat after all that.”
“How come my court bills are on these things seven times?!”
The shredder shuddered to a stop, flashing its overheating light as she was forcing receipts into its gullet.
“Great, this shredder cost a fortune and it suddenly decides to die after waiting – ” glances at a half-shredded receipt – “two years after I bought it!”