Showing posts with label king. Show all posts
Showing posts with label king. Show all posts

Thursday, February 18, 2021

Story 379: There’s No Time to Rest in the Land of Adventureland!

 (Written after rewatching and rereading The Chronicles of Narnia series)

 (Two random children suddenly appear in a magical world that looks exactly like Fantasy Medieval Europe)

Child 1: (Looks around in wonder at being deposited in the middle of a field that could be in the middle of anywhere with temperate climate during spring, except the grass is blue and the insects are huge) Oh me oh my, where on Earth are we and how on Earth did we get here?

Child 2: I dunno; I was on my way to math class when POOF!  Transported.

Child 1: Well, I distinctly remember just seconds ago wishing that I was far, far away from boring old school, and that something would take me to a MAGICAL LAND full of WONDERFUL ADVENTURES and not-too-dangerous dangers, and here I am!  At last, my life can truly begin!

Child 2: That’s great – so what am I doing here?

Child 1: Clearly, I’ll need someone to talk to during my coming-of-age quest, now shan’t I?  And I think you were walking right next to me when this happened.

Child 2: Oh bother.

(A flying Unicorn suddenly lands in front of them)

Child 1 and 2: Aaaaaahhhhhh!!!!

Unicorn: Be not afraid, dear children, for I am here to take you to the beginning of your transformative journey!

Child 1: How wonderful!

Child 2: Half a second: skipping past the flying talking animal bit that I normally would be freaking out about, how do you know who we are, that we’d be here at this exact moment, and what specific journey you’re supposed to take us on?

Unicorn: Why, The Prophecy, of course.

Child 2: Oh, a thousand pardons, of course – I always forget about those super-specific prophecies.

Child 1: Never mind all that; let’s roll!  (Hops onto the Unicorn’s back) Away!

Child 2: I already have a headache.  (Also hops onto the Unicorn’s back and they all fly into a mass of psychedelic colors)

Background Chorus: <Your journey’s just begun

In the Land of ADVENT-URE-LAND!

Fighting’s all for fun

In the Land of ADVENT-URE-LAND!

There’s no time to eat

In the Land of ADVENT-URE-LAND!

There’s no time to sleep

In the Land of ADVENT-URE-LAND!>

Child 2: Huh?

(The Unicorn slams back down to the ground in front of a giant castle; Child 1 and Child 2 fall off as the drawbridge lowers and an entire Army marches out)

King: (The only one on a horse; stops next to Child 1 and Child 2 as they struggle to stand) Ah, children!  Just in time: we’re off to The War now.

Child 1: Yay!

Child 2: Excuse me, “War”?

King: Why yes, that’s why you’ve both been summoned here from whatever backwards realm you crawled out of.  (Draws his sword and points it toward a distant mountain range, most of which is covered in snow and flames) There lies our enemy.  We’ve been glaring evilly at each other for over 200 generations, but now that you two have finally arrived as The Prophecy had foretold, victory at last will be ours.  That is why we saved our first and final assault for today.

Army: (Shaking swords in the air) Hurrah!

Child 2: Well, both sets of your people’ve lasted for 200 generations without any real damage; why not just leave them there and you stay here?

King: (Blinks at Child 2, then points his sword farther toward the mountain range) To War!

Army: To War!

Child 1: Yessssss!!!

Child 2: Ugh.

(The marching resumes)

Child 2: Maybe the two of us can just meet you all there – (Turns to see the Unicorn had left ages ago) drat.

Child 1: The adventure continues!

Child 2: Whoopee.

(Child 1 and Child 2 join the march; there is little obvious progress as the hours tick by)

Background Chorus: <All roads lead to war

In the Land of ADVENT-URE-LAND!

Fight or find gold, nothing more

In the Land of ADVENT-URE-LAND!

No need to take a bath

In the Land of ADVENT-URE-LAND!

Your clothes will stay intact

In the Land of ADVNT-URE-LAND!>


 (The march continues; the mountain range appears slightly closer; Child 1 and Child 2 are filthy)

Child 2: (Drooping) You know, by the time we actually get to wherever we’re going, we’ll be too weak to do much of anything and the other side’ll wipe us out or watch us collapse from the safety of their warm, cozy homes.

Child 1: What’re you talking about?  Don’t you finally feel so wonderfully alive?!

Army: Yaaaahhhh!!!!

Child 2: Never mind.

(An enchanted bird strolls nearby)

Bird: (Raises a wing in greeting) `Sup.

King: (Points his sword at the bird) Aha!  The Wise Bird of Wisdom!  All who eat of its brain shall possess the entire knowledge of the solar system!

Child 2: Could aim a little higher than that.

Child 1: Oh Mighty King, let us pursue this wondrous creature and split its brain 3,003 ways so that we all may possess its wisdom!

King: (Nods) Agreed.  (To the Army) Side Quest!  (Takes out an airhorn and lets out three blasts)

Army: Raahhhh!!!! (About-faces to pursue the bird)

Child 2: Can we at least camp here for the night, then?

King: “Camp”?  You speak so strangely, Other-Worlder.

Child 2: OK, how about what that crew over there’s doing?  (Points to a nearby campfire surrounded by four children, a prince around their age, fauns, dryads, minotaurs, centaurs, a variety of enlarged woodland creatures, and tables of food; all turn to the King, Child 1, Child 2, and the Army, and raise a tankard to them)

Other Fantasy Crew: Well met, good neighbors!  Join us in our feast and sing merry songs of glories lost!

King: Hm, tempting – but I have no idea why they’re all just sitting around when there’s marching to be done, so onward we go!

Child 2: But we haven’t eaten for so long!  Aren’t you hungry?!

King: I have no idea what you’re talking about.

(The bird takes flight)

Bird: Peace!

King: (Gazing in deep despair at the receding figure) Eternal knowledge, lost forever.  Ah well: back to the invasion.  (To the Army) Forward, harch!

(The marching resumes)

Child 1: Wasn’t that thrilling?!  I feel I gained some wisdom after all.

Child 2: I gained an appreciation for a hot meal and eight hours of sleep a night.

(They reach the base of the mountain range)

King: And now, good people: we climb!

Child 2: There’s no path?!

King: Of course not!  This obstacle in our noble mission of destruction is not meant to be easy!

Child 2: It’s not meant to be anything; it’s a mountain that’s always been here!  But you brought a whole army when there’s no footpath?!  How’re you supposed to get all your supplies and weapons up there?!  And what if half of you fall off before you reach the top?!

King: These trifles matter not – the goal is the journey!

Army: Hurrah!  (Weighed down by their armor and weapons, they begin to free solo climb)

Child 1: To the journey!  (Jumps up to a handhold and dangles from it)

Child 2: (Pulls Child 1 back down to the ground) Oh no you don’t – you can’t even climb up to the top of the rope in gym class.

Child 1: (Pouts) But the adventure!

Child 2: And this is the part where we have our obligatory falling out.  While you ponder your growth as a human being, I’m going to finally get some sleep.  (Lies down on some nearby rocks and closes eyes)

Unicorn: (Suddenly lands in front of them) Arise, my children, and I will aid you in your endeavor!

Child 1: (Claps hands) Hooray!

Child 2: (Opens eyes wide) Now you show up?!

Unicorn: We must not tarry: adventure awaits!  (Child 1 is scooped onto the Unicorn’s back)

Child 2: No, no, no, I just got to sleep – (Is scooped onto the Unicorn’s back and wails all the way up the mountain)

Background Chorus: <Tears are a nice touch

In the Land of ADVEN-TURE-LAND!

Just don’t cry too much

In the Land of ADVEN-TURE-LAND!

There’s still no time to sleep

In the Land of ADVEN-TURE-LAND!

You’ll forget that thing called sleep

In the Land of ADVEN-TURE-LAND!>

(The Unicorn lands at the top of the mountain, dumps Child 1 and Child 2 onto the ground, and flies away)

Unicorn: Farewell, children!  If you see me again, it’ll either be to transport you home or tragically sacrifice myself for your character development!

Child 1: (Running a bit after the flying figure) Wait!  What if we need you to fly us to another spot we don’t want to walk tooooooo?!

Child 2: (Still on the ground; to Child 1) I wish I never met you.

(Villagers run over to them and help Child 2 up off the ground)

Villager 1: Here now, children, are you all right?

Child 2: No, but thanks for your concern.

Child 1: Hey, aren’t you lot the ones the King’s Army’s making war on?

Villager 2: Ohhh, so that’s why all those people were marching this way and are now climbing up the mountain – we were wondering what was up.  (The other Villagers nod in agreement)

Child 2: Well, this is just great!  His Royal Nutjob down there is all set to gloriously slaughter everyone up here, and he didn’t even send you a memo about it!

Villager 3: His people are a rather touchy folk; that’s pretty much why we’ve kept to ourselves for over 200 generations.  (The other Villagers nod in agreement)

Child 1: (Having no sword to draw, instead raises a twig taken from the ground) Aha!  Here is our chance to prove our worth on this adventure!  Prepare to meet your end!  (Lunges towards the Villagers)

Child 2: (Trips Child 1, who lands in mud) Knock it off.  (To the Villagers) So, we have a little time before that bunch gets here: anyone have an unoccupied bed they wouldn’t mind lending out for my use from now until sometime tomorrow?

Villager 1: (Points to the edge of the cliff) Here they come!

Child 2: Blast.

(Everyone runs to the edge of the cliff to see King and several members of the Army reach the top)

King: (Without breaking stride, takes his sword from between his teeth and points it at the Villagers) We’re here!  Let The War begin!

Army: Yaaaayyyy!!!

Child 2: Just a second, Majesty: before you start shoving that blade into everyone in sight, I’d like to point out that you have the wrong mountain.  (The cheers stop)

King: Eh?

Child 2: The mountain: you climbed up the wrong one.  You should’ve climbed the one over there.  (Points to a peak several miles away)

King: The one with all the flames on it?

Child 2: The very same.

King: (Taps his sword against his teeth while staring at that part of the range, then shrugs) So be it: to the next mountain!

Army: Hurrah!

(King and the Army all climb or fall down the mountain as the Villagers cheer)

Child 1: (Stands, very muddy) Aw, what about our great battle against underwhelming odds?!  (Child 2 pushes Child 1 back into the mud as the Unicorn appears)

Unicorn: That’s my cue, children!  Time for me to take you back to where you started so you can return to your other-dimensional world!

Child 2: Great – wait, you mean we could’ve just stood there for a day and then gone back home anyway?!

Unicorn: Not without personal growth, you couldn’t!  (Child 1 and 2 are scooped onto the Unicorn’s back and they fly away as the Villagers cheer and wave)

Child 2: (Starts to lean forward and close eyes) Soooo, I’m just going to close my eyes for a few seconds here, and you can give me a nudge when we’ve gotten back –

Unicorn: Hold on, children!  There appears to be a fearsomely misunderstood dragon laying waste to an entire country right over there!

Child 1: Woo-hoo!  Let’s go slay the misunderstood dragon and take all its gold!

Unicorn: Not sure if there is any gold –

Child 1: It’d better have gold or else I’m slaying it again!

Child 2: (Sobbing as they flying off into the sunset) I wanna sleeeeep!!!!

Background Chorus: <There’s no time to rest


Villager 1: (To Villager 2) Who were those kids anyway?

Villager 2: Well, my first thought was they’re travelers from another world brought here for the trifold reason of saving our village, learning valuable life lessons along the way, and imparting that knowledge upon an unseen audience, but I’m an idiot so it’s really anyone’s guess.

Thursday, August 27, 2020

Story 354: The Voice of Reason in a Tragic Opera

            Time: The Past – Somewhere around the 1400s to 1600s
            Place: Generic Western European Kingdom
         Characters: King, Queen, Their 15 Children Who All Hate Each Other and Their Parents, Lord #1 Who Loves the King But Loves the Throne More, Lord #2 Who Loves the Queen But Loves Himself More, Old Duke Who Was a Father to Them All and Is Outraged at How Awful They All Turned Out, Assassin Who Appears Occasionally to Move the Plot Along, Rival Queen Who Wants to Annex the Country Without Their Permission, Jester Who Is the Lone Voice of Reason in This Whole Mess, and Various Nobles, Guards, Soldiers, Entourage, and Other Riffraff
            All dialogue is sung.


         (The curtain opens on the palace’s throne room filled with most of the main characters, all gathered to witness the Exposition Dump)
            Ensemble: <Exposition Dump!>
            King: <I just want to take this moment to announce: I love how rich and powerful I am.>
        Queen: <I second that!  We are living in Heaven on Earth and nothing can disrupt our happiness!>
            15 Children: <Plot – connive – scheme – whine – >
          Eldest Child: <I speak for myself and all my siblings when I say that we have everything anyone could ever want, but that is garbage because we want the throne now, waaaaaah!>
         Jester: <Why would you want the burden of protecting thousands of people and dealing with their constant skirmishes and complaints?>
            Eldest Child: <Shut up, Fool!>
            Jester: (To King and Queen) <Majesties, you may want to keep an eye on and possibly lock up your plotting children.>
            King and Queen: <Shut up, Fool!>
            Jester: <Sigh.>
          Lord #1: <Your Majesties, that Rival Queen who recently tried to invade is trying to invade again but in a different spot this time, hoping we will not notice.>
            King: <Ah me, whatever is to be done?>
           Queen: <Aside – I hope my Peasant Lover did not chance to be in that same area and is now horribly invaded!>
            King: <You didn’t Aside properly – I heard everything.>
            Queen: <Curses!>
            King: <Quite all right: I was thinking the exact same thing about my Peasant Lover, so we are on the same page with that.>
            Queen: <Felicity!>
            Jester: <Majesties, might I propose – like I did during the first invasion – that you send orders to our soldiers to meet this threat and also investigate the rest of the border to make sure no one sneaks in anywhere else?>
           King: <Shut up, Fool!> (Jester tosses away scepter in defeat) <Lord #1, go send soldiers to meet this threat and also investigate the rest of the border.>
           Lord #1: <As you wish, Sire.  Aside – with the soldiers all gone, this will be the perfect chance to seize the throne from my best friend in the whole world, bwahahahaa!>
            King: <You didn’t Aside properly either, you know.>
            Lord #1: <Oops.>
            King: <Indeed.> (To Guards) <Off with my best friend’s head, would you?>
         Lord #1: (Dragged off-stage by Guards) <And I only wanted absolute power over everyone’s lives, alassssssss!>
            King: <And that is that.  Now what is for lunch?>
          Queen: <There is no time for something that mundane in an epic such as this!  We have a plot to advance and human emotion to drown in!>
            King: <But I want a sandwich.>
            Lord #2: <Your Majesty, might I suggest we flee to a remote little palace where we can sit out all this hullabaloo in decadent comfort and sweet, sweet love that can only be found in each other’s arms?>
            King: <That sounds like an excellent idea – lead the way.>
            Lord #2: <I actually was addressing the Queen.>
            Queen: <Well, then that sounds like an excellent idea – lead the way.> (Begins to exit on the arm of Lord #2)
            King: <Halt!> (They freeze; he points to the Queen) <You – stay by my side.>
            Queen: (Grudgingly returns to the King’s side) <Tyrannical patriarch.>
            King: (Points to Lord #2) <You – can go get your head removed now.>
            Lord #2: <Actually, it was all a joke, you are all too serious around here, tee-hee-hee – flee!> (Jumps out the window)
            Queen: <My false love!  What horror!>
            King: <Eh, have better taste next time.>
            Queen: <Yes dear, you are quite right.>
           Jester: <Majesties, word in the hamlet is that the invading army is only a day’s ride away – perhaps we should relocate to safety?  As in, right now?>
            King: <Shut – oh right, I already agreed to this plan, let’s go.> (The Nobles and Guards exit en masse to signify that the entire court has packed up and evacuated in under 30 seconds)
            Old Duke: (Stands center stage, alone) <Where did I go wrong with this bunch?> (Assassin runs in and stabs him) <What the blazes was that?!> (Dies)
           Assassin: (Toes the body and stares closer at the face) <Hold on, did I just get the wrong guy?>



            (Curtain opens on an equally ornate palace (same set, with a few pieces of furniture shifted around); the entire court is present, minutes the ones who departed, willingly or otherwise, as of Act I)
            Queen: <Right, Good People, we will be safe here until this little dustup blows over, by this afternoon the latest.>
            King: (Hisses) That was my line!
            Queen: (Grimaces) Sorry – misheard the prompter.
          Eldest Child: <I speak for myself and all my siblings when I ask whether we can take the throne when we get back home, please?>
            14 Children: <Yeah!  You never give us anything!>
            King: <I am most uncertain whether I loathe you all because of this behavior or in spite of it>
            Queen: <I must say, they are your children.>
         Jester: <Majesties, perhaps if they had been given more responsibilities when they were younger in overseeing the kingdom they will one day rule – >
            15 Children: <Shut up, Fool!>
            Jester: <That non-response is becoming very tiresome.>
            Eldest Child: <Why ever would we want to work, we just want to rule!>
            Jester: <Un-believable.>
            Eldest Child: (To King) <So, back to my original question – >
            King: <Over my dead body!>
          Assassin: (Pops out from behind the throne) <That’s my cue!> (Stabs the King and runs away unimpeded by the flabbergasted court; is tripped by the Jester)
            Jester: (Sitting on Assassin’s legs) <Treason!>
            Assassin: <It is not treason if I am working for the other side; it would be treason if I did not go through with it, then.>
            Jester: <Fair point.>
            King: (Lying on the ground surrounded by the wailing court) <Alack!  To be cut down in the prime of my old age!>
            Queen: (Kneeling next to the King) <Despair!  My one current love!>
            15 Children: <Oh, Father!  Cursed be the hand that took you out before we could!>
            Ensemble: <Folly!>
            King: <Not quite an appropriate response.>
            Ensemble: <Horror?>
            King: <That is better – use that one.>
            Ensemble: <Horror!>
            King: <Sweet.  Mourn me while I am still alive to hear it, my pitiful subjects!>
            (Rival Queen enters on a grand chariot, surrounded by Entourage)
           Rival Queen: <Aha!  I see my loyal servant’s work is done and the way has been cleared for my usurpation!  (Jumps off the chariot and lassoes the throne) <Yoink!>
            Queen: (Stands) <Oi!  I am still here!>
            Rival Queen: <Please – you are just his queen.  I am The Queen!>
            Queen: (Kneels again) <I concede the point.>
            15 Children: (Forming a line in front of the Rival Queen) <You still must contend with us and our mighty thirst for power!>
            Eldest Child: <Yield, false pretender!>
            Rival Queen: <That is redundant and therefore self-contradictory.> (Flicks Eldest Child on the brow; the latter falls down weeping.  The other 14 Children run away and drag Eldest Child with them) <Anyone else?> (The remainder of the unnamed court flee)
            King: (Lying in a growing pool of red food coloring) <I am – still – alive – >
           Rival Queen: <So?  If you actually do survive this, you would be useless: no one will follow you now that you were sucker stabbed, so buzz off!> (Hops onto the throne and stretches out across it)
           Jester: (Kicks away Assassin and subserviently approaches the Rival Queen) <New Majesty, might I ask a favor?>
        Rival Queen: <I am in no mood to keep around leftovers from the previous administration, but proceed.>
            Jester: <As you can see, I worked as a jester with that bunch – >
            Rival Queen: <Then you have five seconds to make me laugh.>
          Jester: < – however, my hidden job description was to speak the truth and dispense advice, which no one has ever listened to – >
            King: (Perks up) <Of course we did!  All the time!>
            Queen: <I always took your advice, you revisionist historian!>
           Jester: <If you had, then this one – > (Gestures at the Rival Queen) < – would not be sitting here right now>
            Rival Queen: <Ha!  Losers.>
            Jester: <So, I wish to ask for a place in your court, but as an advisor rather than as a jester.>
         Assassin: (Sitting on the floor and rubbing circulation back into legs) <Now that is treason!>
            Jester: <Not if the last group is no longer in power.>
            Assassin: <Got it.>
            Rival Queen: (To Jester) <Prove yourself, then.>
           Jester: <I told this crew to confront your army and defend the border back when you invaded the first time.>
            Rival Queen: <You’re hired.>
           King: <Alack!  That it has come to this!  Our former employee, joining the competition and receiving an unexpected promotion!> (Dies)
         Queen: <Woe is me!  Our Heaven on Earth, utterly destroyed by a change in management!  If only we had listened to the Fool would we have been ironically wise!> (Dies because there is nothing else for her to do now)
          Rival Queen: <Well that tidies up everything nicely.  Now, Advisor, what do you recommend my first act as legitimate tyrant of this stolen realm be?>
           Former Jester: <Clean up the damage from your invasion and help your subjects’ lives be better than they were before.>
          Rival Queen: <Sounds reasonable.> (Stands with raised sword in hand) <To the restoration!>
            Entourage: <Huzzah!>
            Former Jester: <And that is how you have a happy ending in a tragedy.>