Thursday, July 5, 2018

Story 245: Behavior Modification, LLC

            (The Representative looks up and smiles as the Client is shown into the office)
            Representative: Welcome!  Please have a seat.
            Client: Thanks.  (Sits and begins biting nails)
          Representative: So, what can we assist you with today?  (Glances at the nail-biting) Self-control, perhaps?
            Client: Hm?  Oh, I guess.  (Stops biting) Actually, I suddenly realized recently that I curse a lot, and I mean a lot, and not in a good way.
            Representative: There’s a good way?
       Client: Yeah, I mean, nobody really cares about ----, ----, ----, or even ------ ------ (Representative’s smile is now frozen), but my problem is that I, whatchamacallit… blaspheme?  I think that’s the word.
            Representative: Oh, we say “G ---- it” a little too much, do we?
          Client: Not especially, but it does slip out every now and then.  No, the one I want to stop saying completely is “Jesus Christ.”
            Representative: I see.  I assume you mean that you’re saying it in a non-prayerful manner.
            Client: Exactly.  I don’t know if it’s that the syllables flow together so nicely, or if it really did start out as a prayer asking why everything is so wretched, but for me it’s gotten way out of hand.  I can’t stop saying it, and I think it’s making Him extremely disappointed in me.
          Representative: Right.  Here’s what we’re going to do.  (Pulls a device from out of a desk drawer, pushes a few buttons, and hands it to the Client) This is a recorder: carry it with you wherever you go for a week, then come back here and we’ll review the results and form an action plan.
            Client: (Stares at the device) So, what, I have to turn it on every time I think I’m gonna say it?
           Representative: Nope – it’s always on, I just set it to retain the recording for 10 seconds before and after you say the key phrase.
            Client: You mean “Je – ”?
            Representative: Don’t set it off just yet, you'll skew the results.  It’ll send me a log throughout the week, so I’ll have everything ready by the time you come back – barring any “events” on the ride over here that morning.
            Client: OK… thanks.  (Pockets the device and stands to leave) When you say that it’s always on, you mean it’s listening to everything, all the time?
            Representative: It sure is!  But don’t worry, it’s nothing your own cell phone’s not doing right now.  (Client sharply looks down at pants pockets) Just maybe hold off on discussing any state secrets for a week, eh, heh-heh-heh?
            Client: Right… hold off on those…. (Leaves, looking disturbed)
            Representative: Oh dear.


            (The Representative looks up and smiles as the Client is shown into the office)
            Representative: Welcome again!  Please have a seat.
            Client: Thanks.  (Takes device out of pocket and gingerly sets it on the desk)
            Representative: So.  We’ve had an eventful week.
            Client: (Speaks around biting nail) Was it that bad?
            Representative: I’ll play you some of the highlights.  (Selects a few sound files on the desktop computer and plays them)
         Client’s Voice: (On computer speakers; car horns are blaring in the background) Are you kidding me?!  That’s why we’ve been crawling for the past five miles – to watch someone change a tire?!  Jesus Christ, I hate people!
            Client: (Sheepishly) Rush hour.
            Representative: Understandable.  (Selects another file)
           Client’s Voice: (On computer speakers; a phone rings) Ugh, this guy again.  Hello, this is – I told you 10 minutes ago, this is a business, not a residence, the electric bills are done at Corporate, go scam them!  (Sound of a slammed receiver) Jesus Christ, if they call me one more time – (Phone rings) Son of a -----!
            Client: Yeah, telemarketers.  Bad enough you get `em at home, am-I-right?
           Representative: Yes, it’s very odd when they call at work; I had one the other day call here asking if I wanted my kitchen floor tiled.  (Selects another file)
           Different Voice: – and don’t think I don’t see you sneaking around spying on everyone when you claim you need to go to another department for a minute; you’re really angling to take everybody’s job!
           Client’s Voice: It’s called “Talking to people in person so I can get my work done,” Jesus ------- Christ!  (Client and Representative wince) I’m tired of you always saying stuff like this; maybe you’re sneaking around spying on everyone when you should be doing your job!
            Client: Yeah, that one was really bad.
            Representative: Uh-huh.  (Closes files) There are more than 100 instances here –
            Client: Whoa, that many?  I don’t even remember half of them, isn’t that awful?
           Representative: – but here’s my recommended course of action: Word Substitution.
            Client: Huh?
           Representative: It works for all my potty-mouthed clients: we find a word or phrase with the same number of syllables and similar inflections, bonus if there are similar sounds, and voilà!  Replacement non-curse cursing.
            Client: I guess I can try it out.  What’ve you got?
            Representative: (Whips out a list) A favorite among preschool teachers is “Cheese and Rice.”
        Client: (Mouths this while thinking) I dunno, I think it kind of makes me sound like a preschooler.
            Representative: All right, how about “Jeans and Lice”?
            Client: Um, ew?
            Representative: OK, “Seamus Geist”?
            Client: Hm, international.  Any others?
            Representative: “Jeans and Rice.”
            Client: That’s just combining two of the others.
            Representative: Yes it is.
            Client: I’ll have to think these over.
           Representative: Sure, take the whole list, makes no difference to me what you pick.  (Hands over list) Let us know how you do, and please pay this at the front desk. (Hands over bill)
            Client: (Eyes widen at the amount; looks up at the Representative) Jeeeeeee-ans and Geist!
            Representative: You see?  Worth every penny.

Thursday, June 28, 2018

Story 244: Which Roads Did You Take to Get Here?

            (Setting: New Jersey)
            Guest 1: (Sits down in a rush, speaking low) Hey.
            Guest 2: (Sitting nearby, also speaking low) Oh hey, how are you?
            Guest 1: (Takes off coat) Got stuck in traffic; didn’t mean to get here so late.
          Guest 2: That’s all right, there’s no set time to show up at these things.  (After Guest 1 is settled) Which roads did you take to get here?
            Guest 1: Oh, mainly Parkway South.
            Guest 2: (Nearly chokes) What on Earth would you do a thing like that for?!
            Guest 1: It’s the most direct way, the exit’s right over here, what was I supposed to take?
           Guest 2: Anything other than that!  Parkway South, on a Friday afternoon, in the summer, is commuter suicide, and you deliberately chose it when there are literally a dozen other routes to get here that a resident like you should know by now.  I should make you turn in your “Local” card.
            Guest 1: Ha, ha; how’d you get here then, if you’re so backroads-savvy?
           Guest 2: (Starts gesticulating to demonstrate) Well, I’m right off of Route 34, which is a gift from Heaven this time of year, so I took 34 South all the way to Route 138, then over to Route 35, cut across to Route 71, took that until it intersected with this street, then took the roundabout to the cross street so I could park five blocks away from here and get right on the highway later.  Easy peasy!
            Guest 1: Sounds unnecessarily convoluted.  I just took Parkway South and got off right over here.
            Guest 2: Yeah, and paid for it dearly, and I don’t just mean tolls.  How long did it take you to crawl the 20 miles down here with the rest of the Shore Traffic?
            Guest 1: …Two hours.
            Guest 2: Ha!  Forty-five minutes.
            Guest 1: It wasn’t just the traffic, OK?  There was an accident everyone had to stop and stare at!
            Guest 2: Wouldn’t have gotten that on Route 34.
            Guest 1: No, they probably would have closed off the entire road and you’d’ve had to detour 10 miles around it!
            Guest 2: Still would’ve been faster than the Parkway.
            Guest 3: (Sits next to Guest 2, holding a cup of water.  To Guest 1) Hi, how’ve you been?
            Guest 1: Oh fine, just arguing about which roads are worse this time of year.
            Guest 3: Oh yeah?
            Guest 2: I’ve been explaining the folly of taking Parkway South to get here.
            Guest 3: Parkway South?  In the summer?
            Guest 2: (To Guest 1) See.
            Guest 1: It was the most direct way here!  Stop judging me!
            Guest 3: Sorry, but sometimes the fastest distance between two points is not a straight line.
            Guest 2: It’s actually “the shortest distance between two points.”
            Guest 3: (Hisses) That’s the same thing I just said!
            Guest 2: Actually –
          Guest 3: Forget it; bottom line, don’t take Parkway South this time of year at all unless it’s between the hours of 2 and 4 a.m., and even then build in an extra hour just in case there’s a jackknifed tractor trailer or something.
            Guest 1: But Parkway South is the most direct!
          Guest 4: (Sitting in the row in front of them, just now turning around) I never take the Parkway in the summer.
            Guest 2: Thank you.
            Guest 1: So what do you take when you have to go a long distance south?
            Guest 4: Route 9.  (The other three stare in horror) It takes you all the way to Parkway Exit 0, and with none of the tolls.
            Guest 2: Route… 9????
            Guest 4: It’s not all bad.  Towards the end it’s actually quite lovely.
            Guest 2: Why would you willingly throw yourself into the disaster that is Route 9 all the way south, when you could just as easily take Route 34 to 35 to 70 to 539 –
            Guest 1: (To Guest 2) You know, I’m surprised you have any gas left in your car with all the circuitous routes you take in your life.
            Guest 2: I have a 10-minute daily commute and I refuse to be stuck in traffic ever again!
          Guest 4: I’ve accepted traffic as I’ve accepted taxes, but full disclosure: the only reason I happened upon Route 9 as a substitute parallel road is because I’m currently in toll payment jail.
           Guest 1: Well, stinks to be you, but I’m still taking the Parkway when it’s the most direct route.
            Guest 2: Why are you willfully ignoring the glory of bypassing that infernal morass by just taking Route 34?!
            Guest 1: Because 34 also has traffic and has four circles – who actually thought that circles instead of lights would be faster?!  And safer?!  The sudden lane-changing and non-yielding have nearly killed me every time!
            Guest 3: I prefer roundabouts myself.
            Guest 1: There are no words for you.
            Guest 5: (Approaches the group) Hi guys.
            Guests 1-4: Hey.
           Guest 5: They’re going to be wrapping up here soon, if you’d like to pay your respects one last time – ?
            Guest 1: Oh, right!  (Rushes to kneel in front of the casket)
            Guest 4: I should head over there, too – I forgot to drop off the card. (Follows Guest 1)
            (Guest 2 and Guest 3 sit in silence for a few moments)
            Guest 2: You know, Grandpa would’ve agreed with me about Route 34.
           Guest 3: I think he would’ve agreed with me in telling you to quit while you’re ahead.