Showing posts with label Catsbury Park. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Catsbury Park. Show all posts

Thursday, June 7, 2018

Story 241: Hoping for a Home

         Friend 1: I’m telling you, pretty much all of them are harmless.  Sometimes a little over-enthusiastic, but harmless.
            Friend 2: OK, I guess – this is my first time doing this, so I’m a little nervous.
            Friend 1: Just stick by me and follow my lead.  Ooh, here’s one coming right for you, don’t be shy!
            Friend 2: I – I – I just can’t, I’m sorry!
            Friend 1: It’s OK, I’ll handle this one.
            Visitor 1: Aren’t you a pretty kitty, yes you are!  (Holds out hand)
            Friend 1: (Sniffs fingers) Hm, not a serious customer.
            Friend 2: (Hanging back in a corner) How can you tell?
          Friend 1: I smell cat all over her – doubtful she’d bring a stranger into the fold, especially living with one that old.  Still, she’s a friend of our kind.  (Rubs head against Visitor 1’s hand)
            Visitor 1: Aw, look, she likes me!
            Visitor 2: Don’t even think about bringing her home, young lady.
            (Friend 1 looks knowingly at Friend 2 while purring enthusiastically; Visitor 1 moves on)
            Friend 1: (Trots over to Friend 2 and bats around a toy mouse) See?  Some of them just want to cuddle and then grab a snack in the cafĂ©, but the more you circulate around here the better your chances one will take you home.
            Friend 2: (Jumps to a high ledge on the wall and settles down) I don’t know, what if we seem to hit it off but then it turns out we’re incompatible?  I miss my old home, and at least here I know everybody.
            Friend 1: Not for long, pal – none of us plan on staying here long-term.  (There is activity on the other side of the room) Case in point: looks like McFluffy’s got herself a new family.  Way to go, McFluff!
            Friend 2: Aw, and I liked her – we bonded because her human had gotten sick, too.  At least I still have you.
            Friend 1: (Rubbing against Visitor 3’s legs) Don’t count on it: I intend to be whisked away to my new forever home by someone halfway decent within the next few weeks if I have to lie to do it.
            Friend 2: What, by pretending to be a lap cat or something?
            Friend 1: If that’s what it takes.  Come on down, you’ll never get adopted if you stay up there!
           Friend 2: Oh, all right.  (Leaps down to the floor and is immediately approached by Visitor 3, abandoning Friend 1 in mid-rub)
            Friend 1: Hey!  Tease.
            Visitor 3: Hi there, little guy.  (Holds out hand, knuckles first)
            Friend 2: Here goes.  (Sniffs) Smells all right.
            Friend 1: Go on, introduce yourself.
           Friend 2: Oh boy.  (Rubs head against Visitor 3’s hand, then lightly nips) Sorry, I’m sorry!  I don’t know what came over me!
            Visitor 3: (Laughs) Ooh, feisty!  I can take a hint.  (Moves on)
            Friend 2: Aw, I ruined it!  (Flops onto a cat bed and sighs)
           Friend 1: (Scratching a post) Don’t beat yourself up over it; happens to the best of us, that’s why they sign a waiver.  Try taking a nap in the condo by the front window – the humans’ll see you first as they come in and maybe they’ll look for you later.
           Friend 2: I don’t know, that feels self-exploitative.  (Looks around) Maybe I should go meet that family who just walked in; they seem nice.
            Friend 1: (Stretched out on the floor, being given a belly rub) Go get `em, tiger!