Thursday, January 22, 2015

Story 66: Adventures in Plumbing

            The plumber arrived just in time.
            “Thank goodness you guys come on weekends,” the woman of the house led him to the only bathroom.  “It’s an almost-disaster in there.”
            “I’ve seen nearly everything in this business, ma’am,” he went past her into the room.  “Not much surprises – OH MY WORD!”
            He faced a pristine toilet.
            “This is worse than I feared!”
            “But I haven’t shown you – ”
            “Nope!”  He held up a hand.  “I can tell by its calm façade that this commode is hiding an abomination.”
            “You can tell just by looking at it?”
            “It’s always the clean, serene-appearing ones that mask the horrors.”  He knelt down in front of the toilet and put his ear next to the bowl.
            “Are you listening for leaks?”
            “Ssh: the plumbing’s speaking to me.”
            “Ohhhh….”  She didn’t quite know how to take that.
            He listened in a few more places, then stood and took the lid off the tank and gasped.
            “Have you put chemicals in here?!”
            “Well, yes, it was rather dirty.”
            Never put chemicals in the tank ever again!  Swear it!”
            “I – I swear – ”
            “Good.”  He replaced the lid and lifted the seat.  Shuddering slightly, he turned to the homeowner.
            “I have to go out to the truck for a second.  I need – The Snake.”
            “Oh my, has it really come to that?”
            “It happens to the best of us, ma’am.”
            He retrieved The Snake from his truck that was blocking her driveway and marched back into the house, stiffening his spine and girding his loins for the ordeal that lay ahead.  The homeowner was still standing in the bathroom, staring confusedly yet sadly at the porcelain throne that had betrayed her.
            “Ma’am?”  She turned to him.  “It’s better if you’re not here to see this.  Things are about to get ugly.”
            “Of course.  Do what you must.”  She left.
            The battle raged for over an hour; there were heroes on both sides, and the losses were many.  When it was all over, the plumber emerged and went to the kitchen, where the homeowner was checking her e-mail.
            “Well?”  She asked, taking in his disheveled clothes and shaking hands.
            “I did all I could to save it,” he said, his voice cracking, “but I have been… defeated.”  He could barely choke out that last word in his humiliation.  “I’m going to have to install a brand-new toilet.”
            “I understand,” she said, bravely.
            “And new pipes.”
            “If that’s what it takes.”  She was wavering.
            “And it’ll have to be done in a separate visit.”
            “Confound it, man!”  She exploded at last; he took a step back.  “That toilet is needed today, do you hear me?!  Make it happen!”
            He blinked, pulled out his phone, and contacted headquarters.  “Cancel the rest of my appointments for the day – this is war.”
            He sprang into action and somehow had the entire installation completed by the end of the night, and that included a trip to the local home goods store to purchase a new toilet.  It was a feat never-before accomplished and never to be duplicated.  When it was all over, the homeowner awarded the plumber with a lovely check in exchange for a detailed invoice, and they parted as comrades-in-arms leaving the battlefield.  It was a sweet victory indeed, now that the thing could be flushed without fear for the first time in days.
           The plumber drove his mighty chariot off into the night, with the satisfaction of a job well done and the feeling that he would never truly be clean again.

Thursday, January 15, 2015

Story 65: The Witch Department

            “Hello, thank you for calling --- Company, this call may be recorded for quality purposes, my name is Maria, how may I assist you?”
            “Yeah, I’d like to lodge a complaint – could you transfer me to the Witch Department?”
            “I’m sorry, which department?”
            “Don’t play coy with me – I’m in a witchy mood, but you sound nice and if I yell at you I’ll feel bad later, so I need to speak with a fellow witch so we can yell at each other.”
            “One moment, please.”
            “Hello, Witch Department, this is Todd.”
            “Hold on – you’re a guy?!”
            “Hey, just because I’m a guy doesn’t mean I can’t be a witch – I find that view sexist and inaccurate!”
            “Now that I think about it, most of the guys I know are witches, so I stand corrected.  Can we start over?”
            “Sure – what seems to be the problem?”
            “Well, Todd, the problem seems to be that your product is garbage and doesn’t work!”
            “Let’s back up the train a bit.  First of all, I didn’t make the thing, so it isn’t my product.”’
            “Right now, you have the awesome responsibility of speaking with the company’s voice, so yeah, it’s yours!”
            “Second, did you use the product outside of its intended purpose?”
            “Of course not!  Are you calling me an idiot?!  And why would I even admit to it if I did?”
            “Have to ask, if later it turns out you’re a liar.”
            “You – !”
            “Thirdly, did you try replacing the batteries?”
            “Ye – no I didn’t.”
            “Then maybe replace them before wasting any more of my time!”
            “You people should have put in a ‘low battery’ indicator!”
            “‘We people’ did!  Did you even look for it?!”
            “Of course I – oh, yes, there it is.  Well, it should be bigger!”
            “It should be this, it should have that: maybe it should have a brain so it can think for you, too!”
            “Oooh, I’m never buying anything from you people again!”
            “Good, then our phone lines won’t be tied up with all your non-problems!”
            “I’m telling all my friends and the media that this company is awful!”
            “You’d be the only one with that opinion, so no one would care.”
            “That’s it!  I’m throwing this thing out and I want a refund!”
            “This call is being recorded for quality purposes – so, no.”
            “Phew.  That was very satisfying.  I feel comfortable that all my options have been exhausted.  I’ll go back to using the piece of garbage.”
            “That’s good to hear.  Is there any other way that I can assist you today?”
            “No, thank you – you did splendidly.  It’s nice to yell with someone who speaks the same language of Witch.”
            “Well, like knows like.  You have a good day!”

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Story 64: Board Game Battlefield

Player 1: Is it my turn?
Player 2: Just because I’m thinking before making a move doesn’t mean it’s your turn.
Player 1: I lost track and thought everyone was waiting for me.
(Player 2 moves a game piece)
            Player 3: Argh, you’re sending me back 20 spaces again?!
            Player 2: Have to – it’s in the rules.
            Player 3: (Moves piece back 20 spaces) I think we’re reading them wrong.
            Player 4: (Rolls dice and moves piece) Ha!  I landed on the green space!  Give me all the tokens!
            Player 2: You don’t get all the tokens, you just get half the tokens.
            Player 4: Close enough!  (Scoops in half the tokens)
            Player 1: (Rolls dice and moves piece) Does this mean I get to take The Bank?
            Player 2: You can keep it, or trade it in for a chance to advance to two spaces away from The End.
            Player 1: I’ll do it!  I’ll risk it all!  (Risks it all and fails)
            Player 2: Now you lose both a turn and any hope of a lead.
            Player 1: Curses!  Why didn’t I keep The Bank?!
            Player 3: Heh, no one keeps The Bank.
            Player 2: (Rolls dice and moves piece) I get to pick a card!
            Players 1, 3, and 4: Oooooooooooooh.
            Player 2: (Reads from the card) “Congratulations!  You have been chosen to sacrifice your game piece to save The Company.”  Did I just lose?
            Player 4: (Reads the instructions) `Fraid so, mate.  Thanks for playing.
            Player 2: Grumble, that’s the stupidest way to lose, grumble, ever, grumble.
            Player 3: Now, anything can happen.
            Player 1: Don’t say that!  You’ll jinx us all!
            Player 3: (Rolls dice and moves piece) Woo-hoo!  I’m almost at The End!
            Player 4: (Rolls dice and moves piece) And I actually am at The End!  I win, I win, you all lose!
            Player 1: Yes, you beat us all, can you leave now?
            Player 4: With pleasure.  (Leaves the game table and exits into a corporate board room.  Standing at the head of the table, Player 4 addresses the board members) Good news, people: I have been declared the victor, and we will now begin the process of assuming complete control over all three of your companies.  So moved!
            (The board members from the other companies leave with ashen faces)
            Player 4: (To Players 1, 2, and 3, who are leaving with their board members) See, wasn’t this so much better than a hostile takeover?
            Player 2: This still is a hostile takeover!
            Player 4: Yes, but we didn't know which one of us would triumph, and who wants to sit through a bidding war and poison pills?  This way is much more sporting.